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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Jake Day shares details of his Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2020


  1. The musings of an idiot.

  2. I would love to see the $50K job list he is touting because online the only jobs you can find are under $15/hr.

  3. As of April 15th per the formal real estate stats - Short Sales and foreclosures in Salisbury and Wicomico County make up 5.6% of available residential properties

  4. Ha ha ha ha

    Well, we will continue to work hard to grow our economy.
    More money for the zoo, the park, skate park, sidewalks, bike paths, new fire equipment and new police cars, free healthcare for 911 abusers, more money for addicts, and putting the city at risk by putting the homeless to work on the city payroll. Another community center with a bunch more freebies all paid by the taxpayers.

    Yea. That'll bring in business, jobs, more people and money.

    Someone please explain how this is going to bring in more tax revenue.

    Looks like Christmas came early and the taxpayer is footing the bill!

    1. Yes..please give more money to the addicts....Day is such a mental midget.

  5. The biggest MORON ON DASHORE where is his crime stat reports ? Still covering them up Jake and Barbara ???? We the people want a FBI INVESTIGATION FOR OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.

  6. There he is!! Boy I thought maybe he was on suicide watch after bombing on the Salisbury marathon. I see he couldn't pass up a social media photo shoot displaying his latest blunder the "NEWTON STREET COMMUNITY CENTER"

  7. Forgive me it might not be the NEWTON STREET fiasco but it damn sure doesn't paint a pretty picture of Salisbury

  8. The back ground defines Da'bury and the mayor! Looks like a nice place to get away from!

  9. NO the only morons on the shore are you people... for letting him do it...

    1. You must mean the guetto EBT voters.

  10. were there any people there to hear this?

  11. Greetings from our new home in Delaware Ms. Fake Gay how are you going to pay any bills in the City with 95% rentals? Good luck follow Baltimore's road map to the sewer and it will be quick and painless for the few that can't escape!

  12. Why is it everyone has already forgotten the coverup for his DUI?

  13. 11:22 Your answer to this budget and Fake Jake were right on .I want to say he was true to form full of bullshit about all the things we don't need. Still has no clue and the cronies that clapped don't have a clue. Your boat is taking on more water than ever. He sure didn't want to mention #1 & #2 crime and the fiasco of Barbara Duncan. Our city needs a real police dept chief we have lost some of the best officers ever. Since he never thinks to and Duncan of course never did officers that have left the sinking ship need respect, I say we honor 2 of the best we ever had Steve Sweigert, and Rich Webber. We have many good SPD officers that really care, when you share with them the real happenings in this city you can see the pain and regret on their faces. The panhandlers are there doing what they do BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO WORK AND BE PRODUCTIVE--GET IT !!

  14. And now we are going on another year and another election coming up. He will make statements he is going to make department changes (Duncan) and fix all the on going issues that SPD has going on within, but won't. When will someone step up and finally fix the crime and issues inside SPD and make it a place officers want to be. Doesn't matter what equipment (take home cars) you give them, it sucks working inside. Do something Day. This can be changed.

  15. 3:46 well stated. And it’s been stated over and over and over again. Our only hope is that someone will run against him this year and that SPD issue will be part of the platform. We all know that it will never be addressed until he is forced to address it. SPD is truly the elephant in the room he avoids and will do. Nothing about. I do believe that if someone runs against him, SPD and crime in the city will cause a black eye for him and that amount the other smaller issue will cost him this election. We just have to wait now and see who is going to run against him and we shall see Day fall for his lack of doing anything about ongoing internal issues at SPD. Been saying he is working on them, but we have yet another election cycle coming up in 7 short months.

  16. This would of never happened if we voted for Joe!

  17. Alot of us did vote for Joe, but seems election board doesn't know how to count. Joe won, we all know it, but..... When will this idiot quit throwing money at that damn zoo and skateboard park. We have roads you can't even afford to ride on because your car will definitely need repair yet they keep throwing money at bike paths and stupid crap.

  18. Interesting that the federal government is giving out grants for the housing first program, but despite federal guidelines, this is the direction Jake has decided to take? According to the fed, procuring somewhere to live, first and foremost, takes precedent over a job.

    Housing First is a homeless assistance approach that prioritizes providing permanent housing to people experiencing homelessness, thus ending their homelessness and serving as a platform from which they can pursue personal goals and improve their quality of life. This approach is guided by the belief that people need basic necessities like food and a place to live BEFORE attending to anything less critical, such as getting a job, budgeting properly, or attending to substance use issues

    Where’s the rest of the plan?
    Do you really think employing 5 homeless people is going to make a significant impact on the homeless population and stop the panhandling?
    Where do they go after work?
    How long are they employed?
    When does the program end?
    What is the criteria they need to meet to get the job?

    Just another dead end dog and pony show at the taxpayers expense?

  19. I would really love to know where those 50K jobs are!

    It is so much fun to watch the constant contradictions.

    @3:05 he states the average wage is 44K, then he says of all open jobs available they pay $50K, then he says @4:14 "families" are making $50K - which = 2 incomes which equals $25K per parent.

    So much bla bla bla.
    Can't believe a word that is said.

  20. 8:52 I think the city got grant money from the Federal Gov Housing First program a year or so ago. I believe there are about a dozen people in the program. The program was developed by Ben Carson's HUD department, all the city had to do was file for the grant money to participate, which is great.

    The participants get a case worker that keeps them on track with issues they may have whether it be mental health, healthcare, employment, etc.

    Hopefully these people will be the ones participating in the employment program.

    I would think that if so many people in the community don't know what our government is doing then they are failing in distributing information to the public.

    Another problem with starting these programs is where and when does it end and who ends up paying for it when the program ceases. Everyone loves getting taxpayer money and looking like a hero, but the fact is when the program ends do the people participating end up back on the street?

  21. You people need to realize Jake Day is just getting started with his endless spending. The welfare programs, endless section 8 housing being built, and oh yes the national f** festival. Do you really think that this ludicrous festival idea I'd going to end in 2020? He's spent millions on the downtown, park, and this bike path and lanes garbage. Salisbury will "ATTEMPT" to go it alone after September 2020 and put together his gays and transgender parades for all to come and see. It will be Salisbury's version of Barnum and Bailey

    1. JAKE DAY is a pathetic weak excuse for a man. All of Salisbury knows he can't even keep his house in order let alone run a city. Hey Jake you left a fire simmering at home but somebody stepped up and put it out for you,, LMFAO!! F'ING IDIOT

    2. Hey Jake Day check out George Strait the fireman!! I cool them down when there smoldering hot, they call me the fireman, that's my name!!

  22. Well done Mayor Day. I, for one, appreciate what you are doing for Salisbury


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