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Monday, April 22, 2019

Netherlands: Muslim councilor wants halal beach: “Muslims feel uncomfortable with scantily clad, ugly people”

After the halal beach is opened, how long will it be before the non-halal beaches are closed down?

“Muslim councilor wants halal beach in The Hague: ‘Muslims feel uncomfortable with scantily clad, ugly people,'” translated from “Islamitisch raadslid wil halalstrand in Den Haag: ‘Moslims voelen zich onprettig bij schaars geklede, lelijke mensen,’” by Graziella Gioia, HLN, April 19, 2019:
A nudist beach? Then also a “halal beach” in The Hague. At least, if it is up to Party of the Unity Councilor Arnoud van Doorn. According to the controversial Dutch politician, Muslims feel “unpleasant with scantily clad, ugly people.”

According to Van Doorn, there is a need for a so-called “halal beach”. Muslims don’t feel at home on most beaches, he says. “Not only Muslims, but also many other residents feel uncomfortable with the appearance of very scantily dressed and often unesthetically designed beachgoers,” he writes to the city council of The Hague. “In addition, women in particular indicate that they are increasingly confronted with unwanted allusions and advances by people of the opposite sex during beach visits.”


  1. Muslims should have separate beaches. What normal person would want to share a beach with people who don't use toilet paper?

  2. Just tell them to leave if they don't like it! It is not their country, move away if it is not what they like.

  3. eject from the Netherlands. when in Rome, do as the Roman's do. get it...

  4. Simply go back to your homeland. Leave Europe to the Europeans.


  5. Sorry, maar stranden zijn niet gereserveerd volgens religieuze overtuigingen.
    Ze zijn van iedereen.
    Je kunt echter je eigen strand ergens kopen.

    Nu we dat hebben geregeld, ga alsjeblieft jezelf neuken.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: It is not their country and they have no right to be accommodated because they re uncomfortable. Why are they there in the first place? They should be returned to their homelands where going to the beach is not an option. Let them enjoy being back in that middle eastern pile of cat litter. The more observations I make on migration of persons to geographical regions populated by a different culture, the more I realize that there was a reason why certain races were indigenous to specific areas of the globe and as a result of highly sophisticated communications and means of travel, they have begun an invasion of countries where they do not belong. The attempt to absorb other races and people into cultures foreign to them will never be successful.

  7. There is a nice beach in Saudi Arabia! They should all go there!


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