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Monday, April 22, 2019

Pint-sized Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez impersonator cracks up the internet

An 8-year-old actress’ impersonation of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is taking social media by storm.

“Like, I want to talk about, like, climate change. Because, like, there’s no doubt cow farts are making the climate change,” says the young girl, who sports red lipstick and AOC-style glasses. “Like, in July, the climate was 96 degrees and in February the climate was 36 degrees. OMG, like that’s a huge change in the climate in only,” — she pauses to count her fingers — “four months!”

The article goes on to state the following:

“At this rate, the world is going to end in exactly 12 years.”



  1. This girl is actually smarter than the real AS-hole I mean AOC.

  2. This girl IS smart! :)


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