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Monday, April 22, 2019

Former Maryland Deputy Attorney General Thiru Vignarajah Proposes Taxing Marijuana In Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A former Maryland Deputy Attorney General believes that marijuana could be an economic benefit to the City of Baltimore.

Mayoral candidate Thiru Vignarajah said he would issue permits and tax the city’s marijuana trade.

“Baltimore has to take the lead here,” Vignarajah said. “This is an opportunity to cut violence and overdose deaths to make sure we address the racial gap and equities and raise revenue.”

Vignarajah’s plan includes $250 million of annual tax revenue which would go to education including upgrading K-12 facilities and free college in Maryland for public school graduates.



  1. Cut violence my A--. It's just another way to try to get more money out of the people.

  2. and forcing it back onto the black market..md politicans are very very very stupid..

  3. Here we go again, another tax scam that sends its profits to education. The problem is, most of it's eaten up by bureaucracy and shifting the money to other things.

    If they think that this will change the black market for weed, they should guess again; the dealers will continue to undercut the legal sellers' prices, provide lots of sales outlets open 24/7, offer free delivery to established customers, accept food stamps (and lots of other things) as payment and occasionally give out free samples, all without the burden of taxation.

  4. More drugs to kill each other over. Real good thinking councilor. Tell me how these idiot get to work.Too dumb for any good.

    1. Are you one of those pot takers? Are you on the pot said a man from the Ronald Reagan era.

  5. I have never had a problem finding or growing my own " Weed " and using it medicinally or otherwise as I see fit in my home. Soon it will be like every other " gateway" drug pharmaceutically prescribed and advertised in the geriatric NEWS HOUR marketed, taxed and controlled and to people that eat shit food smoke and drink and wonder why they don't feel so great.
    BTW Cannabis investments are doing better than Coal, Oil and Tech. Get on board Grannies.

  6. Have you ever noticed that anti marijuana people are usually the people that have never tried marijuana for medical or recreational but they know for sure its a bad plant. Will the 70s ideology generation ever die off already.

  7. How will taxing marijuana sales prevent overdose deaths when no one, repeat, no one dies of marijuana overdose? This guy can't be for real.


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