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Sunday, April 07, 2019

Needy My A$$


  1. Jokes on them...mud vein still in the lobster.

  2. The problem is that it is true

  3. My wife and I are blessed enough to be in that 'top 5%' group, yet we still make a cognitive decision before buying seafood, vs a cheaper protein.
    It infuriates me to see lower income people wasting their food-stamp dollars on expensive items, when people who earn their own money, think twice about it.

    1. People wasting their food stamps, very very rarely does someone even need food stamps, that should be the issue.

      You eating peanut butter instead of lobster cause you have money, is a guilt decision. I came from nothing, sh!t in a bucket nothing. When i have the ability to buy lobster i buy it, eat it, and enjoy it, guilt free.

  4. They eat better than the taxpayers that paid for their $h!T.
    I hope the SLUGS choke

  5. I needs my reparations!

  6. 1:11
    The schools give the kids free breakfast and lunch. When dinner time rolls around they can go get a free meal at a soup kitchen. They can go to the food pantries and are given more free food. That leaves most of the food stamps for the parent to spend as they wish. We pay for housing, medical, education, school supplies, day care etc etc etc and it is not working. After giving them everything for free they are not appreciative or are they excelling in life.

  7. My mother working at a grocery store for 25 years. She passed in 2009. I remember some days she would come home in so much pain she could barely walk. I remember her talking about this very thing. People coming through her checkout line with nothing but the very best, plus candy,soda,chips, shrimp, crabmeat,etc. She went home and ate hamburger or hot dogs or a tv dinner.
    Rest in peace, mom. But not much has changed. I miss you.

  8. This country has been doing this for years we had a family they lived behind us more than 20 years ago a family on welfare. I still remember cooking hotdogs & hamburgers on our grill and them laughing at us and saying they could eat steak every day and not work. The female got a boob job and new teeth and all kinds of surgeries and would brag how stupid we were to work everyday. I hope they and their family wound up behind bars. This abuse of the system needs to stop, somehow monitoring of the system by limits on cards and purchases made can be handled better than they are.

  9. Just think about it; Taxpayer paid for Food, cell phone, heating help, WIC, Welfare, Sec. 8 housing, Medicaid, school breakfast, school lunch, income tax credit for no income, and so much more, than they want a cash "Reparation" seems to me they been getting it for over 150 years!

  10. We all see the abuse. The one that upset me the most was at the Georgetown Walmar. I hate that store but we needed a few things on our way passed.....anyway. They had 2 full shopping carts of food. Paid for it with their EBT card and had a second order of video games, dvd movies and candy. The bill was over 100 dollars. They paid cash for that. Now if they have 100 dollars to pay for crap....they should be paying for their own food. Build the wall!

    1. Two full shopping carts for $100, thrifty shoppers I have to say.

  11. That is not the case all the time, we are an older couple on food stamps they have to last us all month. I can't buy steaks or seafood. Sometime I might get frozen shrimp if it's on sale but that is only 2-3 times a year. I use coupons to make it go further and check the sales. You can't judge everyone, some of us do NEED it and don't abuse it.

    1. You are the kind of people the system was intended to help. I don't think anyone on this blog would want to take food stamps away from senior citizens like yourselves .

  12. Yup this is rampent at 1 fish 2 fish in Salisbury.

  13. Which federal agency's employees are we talking about?

  14. Make it like WIC - you can only buy certain things - in certain places...then make it so each transaction has to be supervised by a manager. Then when they call 'manager on three for EBT approval" everyone in the store can see what they bought...and someone should follow them in to the parking lot and write doen the license plate when they load it in to a Jag, BMW, or Caddy! Publicize these people!

  15. Yea purchase a basket of crabs with ebt and get them steamed for $1.00..to me that is cheating...abuse.

    1. Yup it's every day at 1fish 2 fish.

  16. In my 30 years as a store salesman I witnessed people using EBT to buy cigarettes, beer, wine and cigars. I reported this at least 40 times to state enforcement - they did nothing. Unbelievable ! Just audit these places .

  17. it's the one with 1/2 doz kids with no legit father '
    that can eat like this . There's soooo many programs
    out there for them it's unbelievable that's why they
    keep having children!!!

    It's not the older people, god help them they need
    much more help then they are able to get. It's a
    struggle to survive on Social Security and some just
    are not able to do it anymore!

  18. Skipjacks too. Buy a bushel of crabs for whatever the going price is............doesn't matter, price is no object, with your welfare card and pay $1.00 to have them steamed, and waalaa, you take home a nice steamed bushel of crabs for one dollar, that could easily cost a cash paying customer $200.00 or more.

  19. They should not get food stamps. They should get a card to use at a food pantry. No supermarkets, no fish markets, no fast food, no cigarettes, no chewing tobacco, no makeup,etc. Clothes, shoes? Make them go to the Salvation Army. I see people in the mall every week buying shoes like their free. Some have bags with as many as six boxes of shoes. That's about all they buy. Shoes, jewelry, and food to stuff in their face as they walk around the mall. Why aren't they out working in the middle of the day?

  20. Mandatory drug test for all these UNRETIRED free loaders


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