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Sunday, April 07, 2019

Stacey Abrams: My Election Was ‘Stolen,’ ‘We Won’

Wednesday at the Nation Action Network’s convention, 2018 Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said the election was “stolen” by her Republican gubernatorial opponent Brian Kemp.

Abrams said, “We had this little election back in 2018. And despite the final tally and the inauguration and the situation we find ourselves in, I do have a very affirmative statement to make. We won.”

Discussing why she refused to concede the election, “I understand the law of the land said Brian Kemp became governor that day, and I acknowledge that, but you can’t trick me into saying it was right.”



  1. Dave T: She was a loser long before she ever entered her election. And she's an even bigger loser now. Obviously this creep can't tolerate her losing streak. Thank God the people of Georgia have more sense than to elect such a "loser" to their government. Haven't we seen enough already with the losers we already have in office? We don't need any more!

  2. She can't think straight. Let's be generous and blame the diabetes.

  3. You have a problem with her statement but applaud when Trump makes totally false claims about his vote count and size of his inauguration audience. Hmmmm

    1. Must be the Russians?

    2. You can sit there and hmmm all you want 1257 but the fact is Trump won. Abrams lost. Deal with it. Your snarky BS makes you look pathetically uninformed. Get a life.

    3. "Snarky bs"? I stated a fact. It wasnt a knock on trump. Its a knock on you hypocritical blowhards. Sounds like it stung a bit. Lol

  4. you can see how the democrats would be convinced they won. why is that? because the fix was in! its because of the dead, double and illegal voting. they are cheating, so they assume the election is won..kinda like Gore in Fla..it baffles their minds when with all the election cheating they supported...THEY STILL LOST!!!

    1. Kind of like hillary "getting ready" to pop the champagne corks. Lol

  5. 12:57 - Electoral College. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

    1. Electoral college on applies to presidential elections idiot. Hate the player

  6. “I understand the law of the land said Brian Kemp became governor that day, and I acknowledge that, but you can’t trick me into saying it was right.”

    So stop the whining and do something about it.
    And ask yourself why it is that there is such a law. (And no, it wasn't written just for you.)

  7. I have a problem Stacey , Opra ,Mad Max ,Cummings , and many other blacks that can't accept defeat . This wasn't a hundred yard dash . Build a basketball hoop and they will come.

  8. Weight limit to be PRESIDENT.

  9. It's all about winning. Whoever doesn't win gets to whine and claim that the process was faulty, not the candidate who lost. It's louder, looser and whinier when Dems lose, but that's just the way it is.

  10. She had claimed that it was racism that cost her the election. I would say with 97% (+/-2%) of black women & 90% (+/-2%) of black males voting for her that she almost won because of racism. It would seem some people didn’t take the time to evaluate her idiotic platform & voted just for color.

  11. 2:07 PM - And gender?

  12. Eat a snickers you sore pouting liberal lose!

  13. Translation--"Despite trying to cheat, I lost anyway and because I am black and a woman, you should let me be Governor".

  14. She is a lying, whining bitch! Grow up and move on Loser! Going to be on a losing presidential ticket too, so she better get used to it!

    TRUMP 2020 !!!!!!!!

  15. 12:57 in Florida the Dems were caught destroying votes for Trump, In Indianapolis 12 leftist pollsters were fired for trying to register voters for the democrats & in Detroit more people voted than there were registered voters (the leftist claim it was “human error”… For Hellary of course). The Dems stopped their investigation there. Though there are an estimated 25 million illegal aliens in the country, that only have to get a driver’s license in order to vote, the sanctuary cities REFUSE to tell us the number of illegals that voted (a leftist secret). 59.7% of registered voters voted in 2016. What do you think is the number of aliens that voted? More than 3 million? You do the math. Hellary only won 57 counties in the U.S., why should the other 3,041 counties be ruled by Hellary?....PS like Trump said his inauguration count also included the internet. Open your ears & close your trap.

  16. They just don't know how to lose. Get over yourself.

  17. For all we know Abrams was told by Soros he had it under control. He is good with tainting voting machines.


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