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Sunday, April 07, 2019

Reparations bill wins new momentum in Congress

House legislation to form a commission to study whether black Americans should receive reparations for slavery is getting a significant boost from Democrats on the presidential campaign trail.

Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.), the head of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), suggested that action on a reparations measure sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) is all but certain, with Democrats now in control of the lower chamber and the idea gaining prominence on the national stage.

Jackson Lee’s bill would form a commission to study the issue of reparations but does not call for black Americans to receive payments.

“I don’t think there needs to be pressure, we’re in charge,” Bass said. “It’s being discussed, I’m sure we’re going to get there.”



  1. Man you just can't trust them

  2. t
    Then let the monies come from "slave states" only. Why should any state which was a 'free state' have to pay for something which did not exist in their state? Oh, but wait a minute, aren't these states Democratic strongholds? Good lord we can't have that now can we? EH?

  3. The damn democrate party is "the enemy of the people."

  4. If they are planning to use tax dollars, then blacks will be paying themselves, in part. Will blacks who are only part black receive less money? How will they determine who is black? After all, Obama was only 50% black, but looked black. So, will they be paid on a percentage basis? How will you determine if they are the descendants of slaves, and not johnny come lately Haitians? What about those deranged white people who act like black people?
    The Irish and Jews were often treated worse than black people for years. What about them? Don't imagine that Latino, Asian and Native Americans will be happy about their tax dollars going to black people.
    And what about payments to the descendants of Union soldiers who sacrificed in vain? Most of a generation was lost in the Civil War.
    I think if the Dems want this and if this is not just a political ploy to get money and votes, then set up a GOFUNDME page and let those who have white guilt pay and leave the rest of us alone.

  5. Just trying to buy votes since they can't get them any other way!! Doing their best to destory America!!! Wake up people!!

  6. Snowflake civil war is coming.


  8. Give them it .....HALF WILL OD and the other half will spend it all on CRABS N SHRIMP.

  9. They can get the money from the British and Dutch Government! My family immigrated LEGALLY after the civil war. Anyone that votes for this should be shot for treason. Morons.

  10. Can someone answer when the Native Americans are gonna receive payments? They lost their land along time before the slaves showed.

  11. As it's being proven in every level of government the elected black officials are the ones who will be stealing from the till

  12. The money should go to the descendants of white soldiers that died in the civil war.

  13. Hey people this country was built on the backs of children taken off the streets of Britian, Ireland and Scotland. These children were between the ages of 8 to 16. In the 1600 before African slavery we were still owned by Britian. The info exists in the Washinton Archives. Glad we don't live in the days of any kind of slavery.

    1. 8:25- America was built by children? Please tell me you don't believe that!

  14. Any reparations should come from the African countries that sold them into slavery in the first place. Someone should calculate how much the money has been spent since the Civil war to right the wrong by the U.S.


  15. We already have welfare. Isn’t that the same thing?

  16. Northwest Woodsman: In this climate of self identifying as male, female and god knows how many other genders and perversions, if this nonsense comes to fruition, I’d like to self-identify as a negro (as repulsive as that would be) so I would be eligible to “get some of dat free stuff”.

  17. Geez, with all the hate with anything confederate, you would think Jackson and Lee would change their names!

    1. 12:15- They can't for they are dead. Really?!

  18. There were many Black slave owners as well, the first legal slave owner was Anthony Johnson

  19. I actually have no problem with this, with one qualifier. As long as you were alive to be a slave in the 1860's, then you are eligible. Otherwise, shut up.

  20. This is nothing more than shit stirring. It will never come to be and if it does then that's the beginning of the end, HOLD ON

  21. Pay the descendants of those who died in the Irish Brigade. What is worse- being the defendant of a slave who was freed by a white soldier or the defendant of a white soldier who died to free that slave?

  22. Descendants- hate auto correct

  23. So does that mean I get the value of the farm land my family gave the slaves after they were freed from slavery you know because my great great grandfather treated them so bad oh wait they were illegal share croppers at the time not slaves but still I want the money now in today's land value not 1865 prices. Oh and I also want to get paid for my great grandfather being put in an enturnmen camp because he was Italian living in the United states during world war 2 so pay up peeps I want my check now!!

  24. Ever notice when they want the black vote, they always give them something fo free?

  25. The native Americans should also ask Mexico for reparations because the Mexicans stole their land from native Americans.

  26. How can this be done when the majority of the white population came here AFTER slavery ended? Most whites have no history of slave ownership in their families. And our tax money should NOT go to such ignorance. Just another freebie.

  27. They get to live in the greatest country in the world. So, reparations paid in full. They could have been shipped back.


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