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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Maryland lawmakers blister Trump acts in Mueller report, stop shy of impeachment call

WASHINGTON – Maryland’s Democratic lawmakers on Thursday expressed outrage at President Donald Trump’s conduct detailed in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report but stopped short of saying whether Congress should initiate impeachment proceedings.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Mechanicsville, said Democrats intend to pursue further the legal leads in the report.

“House Democrats, while continuing to move forward with our agenda of opportunity and economic growth for the people, will do our part responsibly by investigating whether obstruction of justice occurred and the scope of Russian interference,” Hoyer said in a statement.



  1. Their are a bunch of blowhards. All there doing is keeping the heat of themselves. Their just as crooked as a mountain road.

  2. Funny; Tom Perez, head of the DNC remarked last evening that the dems were going to "walk and chew gum". Meaning they were going to continue their mid term election mantra while continuing to investigate Trump. Somehow I don't think they are capable of doing that due to lack of coordination.

  3. And the witch hunt goes on. Democrats and the MSM still can't get over the fact their queen and savior lost to a larger than life business man who says what he thinks and isn't afraid to call a spade a spade. Thank you Mr President, the people know what a great job you are doing. TRUMP 2020

  4. My only comment to this is that we should put all these people who are slamming President Trump under the same microscope.

  5. Cummings is leading the pack of wolves.

  6. Welp, no worries because they've issued a subpoena for the full report. Now the Republicans can't cover everything up.

    1. 11:07 Is a perfect example of how you can’t fix stupid. It must suck to be you. 3 years into Trumps presidency and you are still whining. I bet you’ve been on this very site screaming “Muelkers gonna get him” 😂. Guess what? Trumps your president and you can’t do shit about it. It’s gonna be another long year for ya Sparky😂😂

  7. Dems better worry about release of the full report, from barrack hussein obama on down

  8. Dems wouldn't know the truth ... ever...only their twisted agenda

  9. Our POTUS is a great man.

    He worked for every penny he has, nothing given to him for free.

    He speaks the truth at all times, we can trust him

    He is super intelligent, a fast learner

    He is a brilliant negotiator, Mexico will pay for the wall, no need for Congressional funding


  10. @ 11:07

    Be careful what you wish for snowflake!! If they get the full report, it will lead straight to Obama and Hillary!

  11. Taxpayers have already spent 25 million plus on an investigation can Congress get back to work on issues that matter such as infructure (new roads, bridges). You kno n the issues. Democrats have done nothing but investigation and block Trump's campaign promises by Democratic lawyers. I'm tire of Russia conclusion. How long did Mueller Kno that there was no conclusion before the report came out - 18 months. It appears thst it took him 18 months to write the report. He knew then.

  12. Maryland law makers are a bunch of self centered idiots anyhow
    Who cares what they think. They are irrelevant

  13. Hoyer does that mean you will do your part in responsible investigation of obstruction include Obama, Hillary, DNC and the Democrats role in their obstruction and collusion?

  14. He thinks he's a media personality. He is and he appeals to Honey Booboo and Duck Dynasty White Trash America. He should have stuck to the reality show he had control of.


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