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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Actor Geoffrey Thorne Attacks Candace Owens

Actor Geoffrey Thorne told Turning Point USA’s communications director Candace Owens that conservatives will “never accept” her, adding “they will never think [of] you as anything but an obedient n*gger.”

“Without question, it is more difficult today to come out as a conservative than it is to come out as gay. Conservatives today are treated with the same social stigma as gays were in the 80’s,” said Owens in her initial tweet, “Sunday on the #CandaceOwensShow, @robsmithonline and I discuss!!”

Thorne, an actor who is perhaps best known for his long-running role as Sgt. Wilson Sweet on the classic TV show In the Heat of the Night, tweeted at Owens as a response to one of her recent tweets announcing the details involving an upcoming episode of her show with PragerU.

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  1. Stigma ? She should try Stigmata if she wants to martyr herself.

  2. I'm a Conservative. He's wrong. Owens is a breath of fresh air.

    Thorne's assessment is more like an expression of fear from the old black notion of "uppity n*gger", the one that gathers the wrath of the plantation master for knowing too much. He's living in the past that the Democratic Party wants to keep alive to keep their votes coming in from those who somehow think they owe the party something, when the opposite is the truth.

  3. Oh, another actor. Pffft.

  4. I never heard of this loser. Irrelevant, sad man and a jealous man. He doesn't have much self confidence. He needs to go hang out with Jussie.

  5. Go back a few decades and look to see how many times the media wanted to know the political opinions of actors. Now it's the rage because it's flashy and fills airtime.

  6. He and Jussie Smollett have deep discussions while in the hot tub at 2:00 am.

  7. He's talking like the "head house n*gger", the one who the master put above the field hands and did the dirty "plantation personnel management" work. In other words, he sounds like a straight ticket black Democrat, comfortable in the big house and not wanting to lose that privilege even though there's suffering below him that's partly his fault.

  8. Another irrelevant actor riding on the back of Candice or whoever else is speaking the truth, and being noticed for it. Such losers.

  9. His DemocRAT stigma sticks REAL WELL

  10. 1) Who?
    2) Who cares what this guy thinks.

  11. Is that a Captain America button he's wearing?

  12. A B rated actor at that. He can Uncle Tom his way up through social media but he will never be Paul Robeson, Sidney Poitier or James Earl Jones. Actors should really stay out of politics.....look where it got Norma Jean.

  13. Little known actor crying for attention. Do the world a favor and show how good an actor you can be - act human.

  14. this man is so wrong on all levels...MOST True Conservatives embrace people of all colors according to their beliefs, character and patriotism...

  15. Loser!Loser!
    Another Democrat water carrier!

  16. Geoffrey who? Wasn't that the Toys 'R' Us giraffe?

  17. Not ostracized for using the N-word. Explain it to me.

  18. Who is this guy a washed up actor? Now what he thinks actually means something? It's really nice seeing black people kick each other as if the unlearned public doesn't do it enough now the people that should stand with her do it pathetic.

  19. He couldn’t be more wrong. And I am amazed daily by the media and Hollywood telling me how I should think and do. Three years into Trumps Presidency and they are all still getting it so wrong🤦‍♀️ Candace is a breath of fresh air. He should be so lucky to get to breath it.


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