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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Man sues parents for 'destroying' his valuable porn collection

An Indiana man is suing his parents for destroying his porn collection, which he claimed was worth almost $29,000.

In a lawsuit filed last week in federal court in Michigan, the man said he moved to Indiana after living with his parents in Grand Haven, Michigan, for 10 months after a divorce.

He said he did household chores in lieu of paying rent, according to court documents.

In December 2017, the lawsuit says, his parents delivered boxes of his belongings to his residence in Indiana, but they were missing many of his possessions.

The man asked his parents about the "missing property," and they said "the items were destroyed," the lawsuit states.

In a January 2018 email that was part of the lawsuit, the father admitted to destroying some of his son's belongings.

"I do not possess your pornography. It is gone," the email said. "It has been either destroyed or disposed of. I may well have missed a few items that are now in your possession but, at this point, if you don't have it, it is gone. Ditto for your sex toys and smutty magazines."



  1. Truth be known there are materials worth more than Baseball Cards.

  2. I wonder why he was divorced?

  3. It would be interesting to know the age of this son. But when he went back to live with parents we can assume as an adult he chose to live under their roof, their rules, he was not the master of that domain as I see it no leg to stand on, just keep crying over the spilled milk. And perhaps if he lived without these things he would have a roof over his own head.

  4. He can be a sicko, but it's still material possession. He's going to win. Good.

  5. Good for you Mom & Dad! I bet your daughter in law wasn't too happy with your sons "collection" either.

  6. 3:28
    I didn't see it in this article but in another one I read it said he was in his 40s.

    He may win the battle but he will lose the war. I bet the parents have already written him out of the will and the rest of the family probably is't talking to him now. So what has he won?

  7. Didn't a Mayor from a small town sue his parents for throwing out his sex toy collection? Many of the toys were reminiscent of polish sausages, and he was upset.

  8. Porno? HA - we have much bigger fish to fry!

  9. He was Saving it for Bill Clinton !!! very valuable !!! LOL

  10. Weiner would have Bid High on it !!! LOL

  11. I'd imagine anyone on here would be mad if someone destroyed $29,000 worth of their property no matter what it is. And the fact they admitted to destroying it should be a clear cut case. Hope the judge makes them personally buy everything back for him.

  12. He was warned and they followed through, more parents should start that practice but at a far earlier age. As it stands now society seems to be turning out more and more thirty five year- old two year-olds.

  13. Maybe this will help with his carpel tunnel.

  14. Bill Cosby wants the rights to them !!!!

  15. That poor baby. Why doesn't he sue them for child abuse too? I know this has caused him a lot of mental anguish which will probably scar him for life.


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