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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Larry Hogan edges toward 2020 challenge to Trump: 'I'm taking it more seriously'

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Gov. Larry Hogan is stepping up preparations for a 2020 White House bid as he moves slowly toward challenging President Trump in the Republican primary.

Maryland’s chief executive has been holding regular meetings with his political team to pore over data and mull how a campaign against Trump might unfold. Hogan also is using previously scheduled travel to more than a dozen states, including an invitation to Utah to attend Sen. Mitt Romney’s annual summit with top Republican insiders, to meet with political operatives, donors, and business leaders.

Hogan, 62, has insisted he is not interested in launching a kamikaze mission against Trump, who is popular with Republican voters and has won over some previously skeptical party bigwigs. But the governor confirmed Tuesday that his position on 2020 has shifted.



  1. That's funny as hell right there!!

    1. The cancer is playing with his thinking process

  2. He has got to be joking. Can't be serious.
    Wow! Winning the governor's race twice in Maryland has really gone to his head!
    I like him and support him but, POTUS!!! Really, Larry???
    A 3 legged horse has a better chance of winning the Preakness.

  3. I have no clue why he'd do this. He has no chance unless Trump gets impeached. And even then no chance.
    Just another Martin O'Mally stunt.

  4. Hogan is a loser...He could Never win...A Never Trumper will always be a loser. He panders to the DEMS Knowing the Republicans have no choice...RINO on steroids.

  5. pack sand you friggin Md rino...you deliver nothing for honest hard working middle class americans. i am doing everything i can to move from here before your irresponsible fiscal policies drive my taxes ecven higher..

  6. Can't win
    Just a RINO
    Run a RINO and the Dems win every time
    Trump is polar opposite of the Dems
    Trump will eat him for breakfast
    Why I may not like Trumps ways he is still doing more for us than anyone else has for years
    Larry boy needs to stay home and save face

  7. This is a joke, right?

  8. Aw he was just fishing....keepin his name out there. Can't figure out why except he that he can. Heck the man beat the big "C" so sky's the limit in his mind. I'm sure common sense will prevail, sooner rather than later.

  9. Stay home Larry where you belong and not make a fool of yourself.

  10. What planet is he on to think he even has a snowballs chance in Hell? He's not even a good Governor, he has done nothing good for Maryland during his brief stint as Governor even. Has he been drinking the Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Cortez, Kool Aide. Trump won't have to eat him for breakfast, he's a nobody, Trump will brush him off like a fly.

  11. Another Md. embarrassment brought to you by the liberal voters of Md. Fix Baltimore first Larry.

  12. Just proves he is a chameleon Democrat and not a Republican. He has done very little to nothing to improve Maryland and their citizens life. Hogan is getting a lot of Democrat support and push because they have seen how he has been pushed around and controlled by the Democrats in his tenure in Maryland.

  13. Don't waste your time. I am really disappointed with his view of our President.

  14. I will never vote for him. Not for president

  15. WTF would his political platform be?? Hey America come look at the state of Maryland and the disarray I've created. Did I forget to mention I've literally sat back and watched Baltimore MD become a third world city full of MURDER and drugs?

  16. Until my rights in maryland to carry a weapon and protect myself and family are restored he can kiss my ass, dig up his dirty deeds and and spread the word. Nothing to dig up, no problem. Make crap up and keep printing it like the commucrat do

  17. 10:36, how can liberal voters have elected him into office when 90% of Prince George's County voted for the Democrat opponent?

    Mr Bob

  18. Everybody I know in Salisbury can't wait to move out . Fees, taxes, taxes, fees, crime !

  19. He's looking for a job ANYWHERE. This is a job interview for ANYTHING in government. He won't survive in the public sector

  20. Do us a favor, and don't even.

  21. He'll get as far as O'Malley did....NOWHERE! What a dunce. The only reason he is criticizing Trump is to get his name in the media, because they'll publish anyone anti-Trump. Hogan is looking for campaign funds he can vacation on.

  22. Larry Hogan, don’t let your popularity suck you in, you can not beat Trump.I am a big supporter of you, but will vote for Trump!

  23. Like O'Malley, Hogan can't get over living off the government teat. He wants to suck it dry. He looks like he already has.


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