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Sunday, April 28, 2019

University Hosts No-Whites-Allowed Listening Sessions... To Promote Inclusivity

Wake Forest University is hosting a series of “listening sessions” for faculty and staff of color that aim to advance inclusion efforts on campus.

The listening sessions come amid ongoing racial tensions on campus, including a protest Monday at which some students decried the “white supremacy” that allegedly runs rampant at the private, North Carolina institution.

“Dear faculty and staff colleagues, this is a reminder about our upcoming listening sessions on inclusion that I am holding for faculty and staff of color over the next several weeks,” stated an April 18 email from Michele Gillespie, dean of the college, to campus employees.

The email, a copy of which was obtained by The College Fix, continued:

Here are the upcoming dates and information:

  • –For faculty/staff who identify as faculty/staff of color: Monday, April 22 at 4:00 pm in ZSR Room 476 (we will be joined by Associate Dean Erica Still)
  • –For faculty/staff who identify as faculty/staff of color: Thursday, May 2 at 11:00 am in ZSR 476 (we will be joined by Associate Dean Erica Still)
  • –For staff who identify as staff of color ONLY: Monday, May 6 at 4:00 pm in ZSR Room 477
  • Please know that I have requested that all department chairs provide staff release time to be able to attend a listening session.


  1. Colleges and universities are now training grounds for radical liberals. The things these students are demanding and doing are racist in and of themselves. People of color only, black only dorms, people of color only lounges and "safe rooms". This is what Dr. King protested, marched against and died for...not to have separation of the races for any reason!

  2. Ignorance breeds ignorance.

  3. Soooo, let me get this right: they keep making it about skin color, but we're supposedly the racists?! SMDH


  4. Woke(sp)Forest is now circling the drain. Parents should exercise extreme caution in packing Johnny or Susie off to the Diversity Deacons. Sad.

  5. What's stopping them from leaving all this manufactured white racism???? We don't need racism in this country. Your free!!!! Go back to your homeland & be just as racist as you are.

  6. Every college/university has a "Black Student Union", which is outright a racist group. There are no "White Student Unions".

  7. Sounds a lot more like black racism to me.

  8. Actually, any faculty/staff can go as long as they IDENTIFY as "of color". As we all know IDENTIFYING as something you're not is easy and can be claimed without interference by liberal institutions.
    So, colorless faculty/staff, pick a color, go to a meeting and let the world know what went on behind those closed doors.

  9. I never was racist, but over the past 10 years the blacks have called the white man racist..now I am

  10. White students should have a sit-in, and see how that goes

  11. Isn't that nice. WHITES pay for their education because they needed assistance. Start affirmative action because they can't get a job on their own merit. Now when they ruined everything decent neighborhood, workforce etc. They start becoming MORE RACISTS THAN EVER.


    1. So how do they turn racist. Read 9:26

    2. It's taught you learn how to to be racist.I guess you can be born that way NOW! just like everything else what ever fits your narrative today.

  13. If we would STOP SUBSIDIZING colleges. STOP sending our kids to these RACISTS INSTITUTIONS they would stop. Like anything else. STOP RECEIVING MONEY THESE POS GET BACK IN LINE.

  14. Oh let em' have their little clubs in college, cause as soon as they hit the street looking, and getting a real job, it's game on. No one gives a $hit about their inclusive crap. It's get the job done, or get out.

  15. Was Elisabeth Warren allowed to attend... that Native American blood line and all...

  16. So why not have a white only meeting?

  17. So all the white professors should self identify as a person of color- the color white.

  18. I think it's hilarious!! All the white liberals are getting just what they asked for!! It's never enough for these people and true they FU** everything they've been handed on a silver platter

  19. Universities partaking in reverse discrimination should lose all federal funding post haste. It’s time academia learned their place in our society.

  20. "Inclusivity" and "Diversity" are code words to EXclude an entire race from consideration. And I am rightly offended. Is Donald Trump the only one listening? I guess that's why he is the president, and not Hillary. Politicians, ignore us at your own risk.


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