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Sunday, April 28, 2019

REPORT: McCain Family Will Back Joe Biden In Bid To Unseat Donald Trump

The family of the late Senator John McCain will back former Vice President Joe Biden in the Democratic primary in the hopes that he will be able to unseat President Donald Trump, according to the Washington Examiner.

"Sources close to both Biden's presidential campaign and the McCains said that at some point during the White House race, McCain's widow Cindy, 64, and daughter Meghan, 34, a host on 'The View, will offer their public support in the hope of removing Trump from office in 2020," the Examiner reports.

The move is out of the ordinary for a bedrock Republican family, but not surprising from the McCains, particularly given that, before his death last year, John McCain and President Trump were often at odds, and the President frequently took potshots at the late Senator, including several shocking insults aimed at his military record.



  1. Donkeys propping up old man Biden. What, nothing youthful that is trustworthy?

    And Elephants, don't laugh too loud, our guy is in his mid 70's and we need to get youthful in the future too!!! Our new moniker needs to say Grand Ol' Party...rather than Grand OLD Party.

    Times are a changing and very very fast!

  2. Why wouldn't they...after all McCain was a Traitor in the First Degree. Not only during the Viet Nam War but his years in congress including trying to spy and take down President Trump.

    Joe Biden is a lousy candidate and I can only Pray most will see he is as corrupt as his cohorts and a Big part of the Deep State.

  3. What a waste of their time and $$. Besides, who listens to anybody with the last name of McCain anymore? It's not as if they have any great insights.

  4. Who really gives a crap who the McCain's will support. Trump all the way in 2020.


  5. Those who identify McCain as McStain are accurate, and it doesn't require any discussion of his military service to justify that.

    Dumped first wife when she was in an accident for a younger, beer distributor heiress. Keating 5 participant. Voted to keep Obamacare as a last thumb of his nose to Republicans and the general public. His funeral was a disgrace and tacky as hell.

    Biden has his trailer trash son and daughter, but he's been getting the outside cash funneled to his kids so on the surface he looks clean. Groper. His video reminded me of Max Headroom.

    So McStain's heirs and Biden fit like a glove.

  6. Of course the family will. Biden likes to sniff & fondle little girls & John Mcann't left his wife that waited for him & married his trophy wife for his own status & political advancement. There like "peas in a pod".

  7. So that will get him 4 votes!

  8. Losers supporting losers

  9. This will probably end up giving Biden even fewer votes than if the McCains had kept their opinions to themselves.

  10. Whole family of traitors.

  11. Who cares? Unlike Trump, I think McCain was a hero for his service and imprisonment in Nam; he suffered then and for the rest of his life as a result. However, he let his senate colleagues down and the country with his slap in the face to Trump with the infamous "thumbs down" at the last second with the Obamacare vote which was purely a get even tactic with no consideration to facts or pulse of the American people. McCain admits he was a poor student and barely got through the Academy and was a carouser and yes left his first wife for Cindy's money.

  12. This is a positive development for Trump.

  13. The elite families rule the world through their political lackeys, sometimes secret family members with different surnames.

    If Biden is chosen (not elected) the DuPont Family will get their turn!

  14. 8:19, Most of what you say is true, BUT McCain was Never a hero during the Viet Nam War...Just ask MOST of the vets who served at that time...he allowed many to be killed, he 'sang' so he was treated 'differently' than the other POW's and so much more. BTW there are still a few youtube videos that show other vets being interviewed regarding this Traitor, but most have been 'removed'...No, McCain was Never considered a hero by those that knew the truth, including my husband and those that served with him.

  15. McCain's are democrats in Republican clothes. Communists for sure

  16. HAHAHA. I GUESS the ENTIRE MCCAIN clan are TRAITORS. Now you see how the ESTABLISHMENT Republicans work. I bet we will see the POS BUSH clan doing the same. When the ESTABLISHMENT lose millions of dollars American people WIN.

  17. You guys, like trump, just love trashing a dead person .


  18. McCain turned into a real disappointment in his latter years, I felt sorry for him as a POW, but really disappointed in him as a man, senator, and member of his political party. Sorry for the families loss, but not sorry his diarrhea of the mouth finally stopping.

  19. Is Joe Biden a DuPont ?

    That really makes a lot of sense.
    All of that inter-marrying produces low intelligence and birth defects.

  20. Of course they will. McCain was a RINO and Joe B is a DINO.

  21. I don't understand the hate for Mcain. He was a patriot, a veteran, and a man who served his country.

    He reached across the isle, was bi-partisan, and got things done.

    What happened? This Trump worship has your sense of reason askew?

    Mcain is a real American Hero. What is wrong with all of you?

  22. "bedrock Republican family" WTF! Really? The same John McCain that voted to keep Obamacare, over the objections of the rest of the Republican party. And the same family that will endorse a Democrat challenger to a sitting Republican president. That's not bedrock, they are petty RINOs. John McCain was NEVER a bedrock Republican. He was called the Maverick, because you couldn't count on him to support any Republican causes.

  23. April 26, 2019 at 11:59 AM:

    You can't Libel or Slander a dead person. They are torts, and a dead person can't sue anybody. Truth, or not, anyone can say (or write) anything about a dead person. McCain is no exception, however, you don't seem to like the truth about his so-called service to our country, and his lack of support for the party that he claimed to be a part of.


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