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Sunday, April 14, 2019

White House proposed releasing immigrant detainees into ‘sanctuary cities’ to target political foes: report

The Trump administration proposed releasing immigrant detainees onto the streets of “sanctuary cities” -- including San Francisco -- on at least two occasions within the past six months as retribution against the president’s political enemies, The Washington Post reported, citing unnamed Department of Homeland Security officials and emails.

The proposal was first floated in November amid reports of a large migrant caravan from Central America making its way to the southern border. The other time it was considered -- in February-- occurred during a standoff between Trump and Democrats over border wall funding.

It was rejected both times by immigration agencies, the report said. A Nov. 16 email from the White House to officials at several agencies reportedly asked whether migrants could be arrested and bused to “small-and mid-sized sanctuary cities” and other Democratic strongholds.




  1. OUCH!! Look out Salisbury you've got company coming

  2. Dems: "How dare you give us what we want!"

    Wow. -.-

  3. what about hollywood? all those mansions the stars own, all those spare rooms?

  4. Best idea ever! Dump them in Palosi's front yard!

  5. That's not retribution, it's what they asked for!

  6. Careful what you ask for

  7. Banana republic thinking.

  8. Trump should be praised for the compassion.

  9. OV could use them.

  10. Illegals should be put in the neighborhoods of these political idiots that wants this. I mean in the same block / around the corner / surround them so they see what we have to put up with day in and day out.

  11. here here has has my vote 100% send um to SF NYC LA but not MD please!!! ..sorry lol not in my back yard is everyone reply.but libtards are too stupid to see that

  12. Has your votes because you are idiots. You spouted tin foil conspiracy theories of Obama the Dictator for 8 yrs. Now you have real life examples of attempts at dictator tactica and you clap. God help us.

  13. The local ara is already inundated with illegals. Can't remember the last time I saw any construction or lawn care crews with American workers

  14. @2:15 hell the crap coming out of the Democratic party what do you expect??

  15. The incoming mayor of Chicago says she would welcome them with open arms...and weedy gardens no doubt.

  16. Poor Nancy Pelosi would have to vote herself a raise to pay for an additional six feet added to her compound wall.

  17. Okay, Now we must build walls around the sanctuary cities, stars, and counties and make them pay for it. Otherwise these immigrants can just go anywhere they please.

  18. Send some to Pelosi's house & Schumer's / Schiff's /

    Cumming's / Hillary's / Obama's let THEM deal with it


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