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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Joe Biden says he's running for president, in video announcing bid

Ending months of speculation, former Vice President Joe Biden announced Thursday he is launching his third presidential campaign, instantly joining the race as an early frontrunner among more than a dozen major Democratic candidates seeking to deny President Trump a second term.

"We are in the battle for the soul of this nation," he said in the nearly four-minute long video. "If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation. And I cannot stand by and watch that happen."

Unlike most of his competitors who only mentioned President Trump in passing when they announced their candidacies, Biden used his video to cast the race as a battle with Mr. Trump for the very soul and character of the country, calling him out by name.



  1. they had to put a video together because they were afraid what he would say live.

  2. He had to do it by prerecorded video. If he did it live he would find some way to screw it up.

  3. He's trying to appeal to both sides,but distancing himself from Obama will be next to impossible.

  4. the guy is going to be eaten alive by his party and POTUS

    1. Yes he will and it’s going to fun to watch😂

  5. He will touch so many lives if he wins

    1. I see what you did there lmao 🤣😂

  6. I really hope it isn't Biden v Trump 2020. We shouldnt have to pick between two creepy, touchy old men

  7. Eaten alive? Will he BE alive for next year's elections?

  8. Oh yeah, he will touch you right in the wallet. He is the most corrupt vice president in history. His son and Kerry's son need to be investigated, but they won't be. They will be protected by the MSM and the deep state. The oligarchs who subdue America after Trump will destroy this country in ways we cannot imagine. Better sharpen your pitch forks.

  9. While, I don't support Biden or his policies... he is not wrong. White Nationalism and Racist Hate groups have been exceptionally emboldened and much more vocal and visible. They feel safer being so, and it is because of Trump.

    Trump failed in condemning these folks. Biden is not wrong in what he said here, and this message WILL hurt Trump.

    Trump has been working to garner votes from black Americans.. and this message will squash that.

    1. The only hate in America right now is TDS sufferers and idiocy prompted by a paid off media. Ignorance is the only real mental disorder as you have chosen to be ignorant. You buy the hype and woof it down like it’s a free pancake Sunday at IHOP. Get your head out of your ass and smarten up. Your ignorance is much too hard to ignore 1002.

  10. Has anyone noticed the plants in the Bernie crowds who have been asking questions that they know Bernie will give wild answers to such as the one about terrorists voting rights? This is being done by the DNC once again to take the nomination away from Bernie Sanders. It worked once so why not do it again ?

  11. 9:49 if you're blind enough to not call out everything Trump is doing, your opinion shouldn't be trusted elsewhere. Keep drinking that kool aid. Democracy is dead.

    1. 10:19 Trumps been investigated and plotted against for 2 years so you tell me wtf you think he’s doing wrong. You know you cant impeach him for not liking him right?🤷‍♀️😂 And btw dipshit democracy has been dead dumbass. And you can thank all those career politicians. You know, the one you like to praise while trashing Trump at the same time. Keep your head in the sand big boy it’s safer for you🤦‍♀️

    2. All Trump has done for you, 10:19AM, is create a good economy, continued to forge new trade deals which are better for America and been the best president we have had in well over three decades. You need to stop ODing on frigging CNN and get some real news for a change.

  12. I hope that he's able to get Lawrence Welk's band together again to do his background music.

  13. @ 10:19 Like restoring our economy and bringing jobs back as well as ending unfair tariffs against our country ? There are no negatives...

  14. Biden - The hands on candidate

    Biden - Kissing Babies isn't all he does with them

    Biden - He is in Touch with the voters

    Biden - VP was for Violating Persons

    Biden - The friendly Uncle (not uncle sam, but joe)

  15. Another idiot joins the group

  16. Biden = pedophile in chief

    You think Bill Clinton embarrassed this country with his sex-capades in the oral, I mean Oval office, just wait till Dirty Creepy Uncle Joe has a women in there alone!

    1. Joe Biden will never be president so we’ll never have such a moment.

  17. The US is NOT a democracy! We are a Republic! We have a Constitution that dictates our laws. Stop teaching our children that. ITS A REPUBLIC!

    1. It’s part of the brainwashing just like the Third Reich did in order to take over Germany. When will the public wake up? History is repeating itself.

  18. Biden proves that liberalism is a mental disorder as well as Trump Derangement Syndrome. His video only touts media lies about what the President said about Charlottesville. So bad that even the town rejected Biden’s request to announce his candidacy from there. Biden also proves that a pedophile who openly molests children’s in public on camera has the audacity to speak words like dignity and decency. Joe Biden needs serious psychiatric help not running in a race he will no doubt fail to launch. Democrats do love wasting their $$.

  19. A Constitutional Republic which guarantees the rights of every individual to live freely.

    Clearly, the Republic was lost.


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