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Sunday, April 28, 2019



Let's not be fooled like the Europeans.

If you give a Muslim a cookie, he'll complain that it isn't Halal and demand that you provide one that is

If you give a Muslim a Halal cookie, he'll demand that you give him a job so he can buy his own cookies.

If you give a Muslim a job, he'll demand you give him time out to pray.

If you give a Muslim time out to pray, he'll demand that you respect his prophet.

If you show respect for his prophet, a Muslim will demand that you stop singing your National anthem.

If you stop singing your National Anthem, a Muslim will demand that you elect him to Congress.

If you elect a Muslim to Congress, he'll demand that we change our Constitution, so we are no longer allowed to speak freely or have guns or worship the god of our choice (or not any god at all).

If we change the Constitution to what a Muslim demands, he will demand that Sharia Law be followed by everyone in the land.

If Sharia is followed by everyone in the land, then Muslims will be permitted by law to execute anyone who disagrees with them or does not dress like them or does not worship Allah.

Congress, you gave a Muslim a cookie. So did you, London, France, Greece.

Already the newly elected congressional woman from Michigan is criticizing Pence for his Christian values and beliefs.

It's just starting.

A Cookie... It's Just The Beginning, America.


  1. Where is the part about they will want us to stop using toilet paper?

  2. This is nothing more than straw men and ad hominem attacks.

    The ironic thing, is that if a similar post was made referencing how Christians were force feeding their religion on the public, infiltrating the government, then legislating their religion (sort of like Muslims with sharia, huh?) ... ya'll would loose your minds. Literally would explode heads while you'd proclaim persecution.

    You know where you find religious liberty and freedom? OH yea, that's right.. in the Constitution, the Foundation and Law of America. I guess if you can't respect religious liberty, then you shouldn't call yourselves Americans, should you?

    What is that saying... when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a bible.... I wonder how far away this is from reality now?

    1. 8:51 you are so tunnel blind

    2. @ 8:51, you are ignorant. The Constitution is based on judeo-christian values. Go to a Muslim country and try practicing Christianity. Sharia law is incompatible with our constitution.

  3. 8:51 you need to go back across the pond to your Shi$hole

  4. 8:51
    Tell that bullshit to the 911 victim's families

  5. WOW, 8:51 you are clueless. Must have been Indoctrinated by the Government Schools. This post is TRUTH...

  6. 9:09 perhaps we should tell the families that the attackers were aided by Saudi Arabia, a country Trump just signed a deal with for billions?

  7. News flash shorebillies, all muslims do not practice sharia law. Just like we all know most of you aren't like the westboro baptist church. Try to expand your mind a little, people are more than the one group you slot them into

  8. @9:33

    WRONG. The Constitution is a secular document that set up a secular government that protected religious liberty for all.

    However, I'm happy to be corrected. Please list the SPECIFIC Judeo-Christian values that you assert it is based upon, and how these values are inherently and specifically only found in Judaism or Christianity?

  9. @9:33

    WRONG. The Constitution is a secular document that set up a secular government that protected religious liberty for all.

    However, I'm happy to be corrected. Please list the SPECIFIC Judeo-Christian values that you assert it is based upon, and how these values are inherently and specifically only found in Judaism or Christianity?

  10. Look when the 15 to 20% percent of Muslims are the only ones that are extremest and that amount of people in the world would make up the population of the US someone better start paying attention.The Natzis were not a majority of their country but look what happened.

  11. Muslims are locust. Watch what happens in wicomico county in the coming months. We have TERRORISTS in our back yard. Say what you want. It's FACT. Most our black thugs who see this religion as another opportunity.

  12. One congresswoman does not run the country, or enact our laws. The crap she spews out of her mouth doesn't concern me in the least. She is just a part of our representative democracy. We have to take the good with the bad.


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