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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Maxine Waters: ‘I Call Out’ the ‘Patriotism’ of Those Standing with Trump

Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said she questioned the patriotism of Republicans who are supporting President Donald Trump after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election.

While discussing Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-SC) support for Trump, Water said, “One of the things you have to think about is this; who are the patriots? Who will stand up for America when our obvious enemy is basically hacking into our electoral systems? Who is going to stand up for America and claim to be a patriot when they see that there are many people around this president who have interacted with those from Russia, from the Kremlin, and with Putin? Where are they coming from? And I think when you ask yourself this question, you’d better be concerned about whether or not these are real patriots or whether or not they’re in the pockets of the president of the United States wishing to gain favor from the president and they’re going to stand up for him no matter what.”

She added, “And so I call out their patriotism at this point this time. You take a look at this report, and you will be shocked at the information that’s unfolding.”



  1. Wait a minute Mad Maxine: your profit Barrack Hussain Obama was at the helm when all this sh*t took place.
    Trump didn't hack Hillary's emails that were placed on a non-secure server.
    You're dismay is far misdirected.
    I so hope that the Mueller report is used for the correct purpose- to find out who started the Russian collusion conspiracy in the first place and bring them to justice.

  2. Maxine Crazy)Waters needs to be called out even more so she should be removed from office ASAP. The woman is absolutely crazy she does her party and her race a horrible representation. She is as UnAmerican as anyone can be.

  3. I call out all the "crazy Democrats" who want to stay stuck on the TDS trail and totally ignore all the problems that this country is facing. Look at the illegal alien problem. Look at the homeless problems in San Francisco and human waste all over the streets. What are you waiting for? An outbreak of cholera? People are being physically attacked for wearing a MAGA hat. Freedom of speech is becoming lost. There are so many things wrong with this country and all the Dems can do is stay stuck on the TDS train. GET OFF FOR GOD'S SAKE.

  4. She's a perfect example of a Democrat.

    Way to go demorats. You maroons couldn't have picked better representation.


  5. Max call me out in person.

    1. Me too. She won't want to hear what I have to say and I knpk my ass will go to jail for being a racist.

  6. I call out the corruptness of millionaire Maxine.

  7. She has spent her life in the trough, doing a job that our founder NEVER INTENDED TO BE A CAREER.
    She knows NOTHING about a true patriot and she is so stupid.

    She is another monkey pretender sucking up taxpayer dollars while she continually gets richer..."serving" the people (up, on a platter).

    Start the hanging...

  8. What's unfolding is the demise of your party, Maxine. It's not shocking.

  9. How do people like her (mentally retarded) get in Congress? Affirmative Action. She is in charge of banks.

  10. The problem is some people believe her!

  11. Time for another enema Maxine you are full of sh** again old girl.

  12. Can she be impeached? Everyone send a post card to her office asking her to step down.

  13. Dems are delirious. They are running out of excuses and made up BS to distract from the truth. They are the ones who divided our country with Russia's help. They are the ones telling lies to derail the work of the Trump Administration. They are the unpatriotic ones who should be locked up for disrupting the peace of our great country.

  14. Gee coming from this bucket of ASSHOLES I'm scared. LMAO.

  15. Does her mouth have diarrhea, or what?

  16. All the democrats can do is lie to the so-called media aka fake news and hope some will believe them. It is hard to believe Maxine was elected to public office. Doesn't say much for her constituents.


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