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Sunday, April 28, 2019

A Viewer Writes......

This is pretty hard to comprehend. The job growth is in what? Retail, restaurants, or what?



  1. Just listen to the idiot Day and you'll soon come to the same conclusion the guys delusional!!

  2. job growth must be wrong here.

  3. I haven't seen anything that remotely resembles growth...except the hidden crime rates!

    1. That's where the job growth is, more and more criminals finding employment in Salisbury!!

  4. The MD democrats now classify drug dealing as gainful employment. There's your 209.8% job growth.

  5. Job growth always comes in the form of temporary jobs from the govt, then they go away after the stats are taken... When will you people f'ing learn and quit being so lazy and stupid...

  6. Hey, drug dealers and street muggers are making lots of money. That counts as employment, right?

  7. I would really love to know where those $50K jobs are that he is touting !

    It is so much fun to watch the contradictions.

    @3:05 he states the average wage is $44K, then he says of all open jobs available they pay $50K (I only say jobs paying $12-$15)

    @4:14 he states "families" are making $50K - which = 2+ incomes which equals $25K per parent. (they must not have found one of those $50K job available either!)

    Plus he states that there are 3K more people working but fails to mention is these are full time jobs with benefits or part time jobs with no benefits.
    And are people having to work more than 1 job to make ends meet?

    Such fragmented misleading information and mathematically problematic.

  8. When the ACA came along most employers cut their full time jobs into 2 part time jobs, avoiding the mandatory rule having to provide health care.

    Hence this provided the stats that the employer created 2 jobs instead of one, doubling the stats on job growth.

    One would need to dig deeper to find the true stats on full time vs part time and hourly wage.

    That's the thing with fake reporting.

    Anyone can stand at the podium and say they have created 3,000 jobs but neglect to mention that they are only 20 hours a week at $10.10 an hour.

  9. Foreclosures on the rise again:
    Currently, there are 346 active residential listings in the county, which includes single family, townhomes, condos, and duplexes. Short Sales and foreclosures in Salisbury and Wicomico County make up 6% of available residential properties.

  10. @11:04 so true!! I'm currently in the market for another home and almost made the mistake of purchasing one in Salisbury/wicomico county to stay close to my parents. I'm so glad I didn't now. The way I figured I'd be better off in the long run 8 hours away and come once or twice a month rather than being stuck with a home here after my parents pass and unable to get rid of it when necessary

  11. everything you see and read is driven by an agenda.

    follow the money...it will lead to salvation.

  12. Average income for the State 80,000. The whole State. Yes he is out of tpuch. Government workers average over $125,000 thanks to Obama and Affirmative action. PG county (MD) is the richest county in the State.

  13. 3:44 When did PG county become the richest county? Last I checked it was Howard. Montgomery County used to be for years but the Democrats have destroyed that county and they will do the same with Howard eventually.

  14. They always do the numbers when farming starts and all the migrants get counted. They have pulled that crap for years. For every one business that opens three close here. This is one depressed place. Again blame the politicians they own this bs.

  15. Look - the stats are notoriously erroneous and deceptive.

    The only economic stat that is relevant is the 'Net Per Capita' income.
    The last time I cited the Wicomico stat - our Net Per Capita income was at about $15,500 per individual. The Net Per Capita income is about the same today as it was more than 10 years ago.

    The Net Per Capita income takes into account the following:
    1. The States Gross Income Tax revenues for each County.
    2. The States population based upon the latest US Census bureau's population tally.

    The bottom line - is that here in Wicomico County we are way, way, way, behind many of the other locals in comparison.


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