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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Bernie Sanders' plans will cost $20,000 per taxpayer

Maya MacGuineas, the president of independent and bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, warned on “Fox and Friends” Tuesday morning that Bernie Sanders’ proposed policies could cost $20,000 per taxpayer.

“If you look at healthcare, free tuition, family leave, child care – those proposals will all have a price tag of over $20,000 per taxpayer,” MacGuineas said.

“I don't know whether they plan to finance all of that or add that to the very large national debt, but the costs are certainly high. I know 'trillion' is kind of hard to get your arms around. But when you bring it down per taxpayer, we are talking more than $20,000 increase in taxes.”

“None of the things he has been talking about are free, it does worry me when we put these in the context of free healthcare, free college tuition. It's really important that we put them in the broader budget context of how much would this cost and do we think it's worth it?” MacGuineas said.

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  1. So, those that pay no taxes get Medicare for free. What's changed: It was Medicaid they were already getting for free.

    How do they find the geniuses?

  2. fkkkkk him !! Nuts like him need to be ousted from USA

  3. Bernie got a good review on FOX the other night because he was addressing citizens from a welfare State - Pennsylvania. I know because I lived there.

  4. He's DONE !!! could not get Dog Catcher !!!! Go ahead

  5. That old bastard needs to go straight to his rocking chair. Do not pass GO and do not collect any tax money.

  6. Sanders has lost his mind!

  7. Most of his votes will come from people who get more from the government than a job what do they care

  8. Bernie is falling apart. con man millionaire.

  9. Unsustainable, just like a Ponzi scheme.

  10. Why is this socialist making millions on his new book & not giving the book away for FREE!

  11. April 17, 2019 at 7:41 PM and you think Maryland is any different? My neighbor moved here from Texas because of the welfare, at least that is what she stated.

    He went there because it is MAGA country and he is pushing to change people minds. It is also a small venue, and easily controlled and set up to his advantage.

    Had the Lehigh Valley not gone Trump in the Election, Trump would have lost the state.

    Bernie was welcomed to the party with over a 100 Trump supporters waving flags.


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