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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Survey: 9 In 10 Children Don’t Know Bananas, Strawberries Grow On Plants

Do you know where your fruits and vegetables come from? A survey of 1,000 British children ages 6 to 12 found that one in five didn’t know apples grow on trees, while more than 9 in 10 weren’t aware that bananas or strawberries came from plants.

The survey, commissioned by beverage company HONEST Kids, also found knowledge gaps when it comes to the ways many other common fruits are grown.

For example, 60 percent of those surveyed didn’t know grapes grew on vines. Similarly, four in 10 children thought cherries grew on bushes, vines or plants. Another 14 percent thought melons grow underground, and perhaps most shockingly, a stunning 95 percent surveyed had no idea how strawberries are grown.



  1. Milk comes from almonds, oats, and soybeans.

  2. What about pineapples?

  3. How are mashed potatoes grown?

  4. How do fruit roll ups grow?

  5. We have a college grad in congress that think Chocolate milk comes from Brown Cows, and she wants them banned for farting!


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