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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Chinese woman arrested at Trump's Mar-a-Lago club is denied bail

The Chinese woman accused of lying to briefly gain admission into President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club last month was denied bail Monday by a federal judge, who says there is an "extreme risk of flight" if she were to be set free.

Yujing Zhang, appearing in a West Palm Beach court dressed in a blue jumpsuit with both her wrists and ankles shackled, also pleaded not guilty to federal charges of lying to federal agents and illegal entering.

Federal Magistrate Judge William Matthewman ultimately refused to set bail for the 33-year-old, saying there is an "extreme risk of flight" if she were released. The U.S. doesn't have an extradition treaty with China.




  1. DUGH !!! How it should be !!! Ya Think ?

  2. Let's get some decorators to Gitmo to prepare a cell for her.

  3. She swears she's from Love You Long Time Massage Parlor and was invited there.

  4. So much for vetting security protocols


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