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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Notre Dame Fire Deemed ‘Construction Accident,’ But Here’s What the Media is Not Telling You

On Monday, the world reacted in horror as the nearly 900-year old Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was nearly completely destroyed by fire.

Horrific flames quickly engulfed the entire core structure, and after 2 hours, the iconic spire collapsed, along with most of the roof and its 210 tons of lead.

That’s what we know.

Here’s what we don’t: What caused it?

Well the media seems to have focused on one reason, and one reason only: the cathedral was “under construction” — a reported $7 million project lasting years, and scheduled to complete just this year.

Therefore the most logical reason, absent obvious foul play, is a “construction accident.“

Given the scope of the renovations, it is quite likely a “welding spark ignited paint thinner” or any other cause widely speculated in media reports, that can typically occur on a busy construction site.

But there’s just one big problem with that.

Two hours after the spire collapsed, French-Greek journalist Sotiri Dimpinoudis reported that there were no construction workers onsite at the time of the fire:


Editor's note: The below article was published on March 20, 2019
Twelve French Churches Attacked, Vandalized in One Week


  1. Everyone knows it was a Muslim terrorist.

  2. Some people did something.

  3. Small, unnoticed fires can smoulder for hours or days until enough oxygen and fuel come together to cause a blaze.

  4. Probably most of the construction workers were Muslim and it is easy for a deliberate act to be made to look like an accident in construction.

    1. 9:32- Is that what you truly believe?

  5. ISIS TRIED to do this a few years back but didn't succeed. Maybe this time it worked. Whatever happened, it's obvious it wasn't just an accident...there is much more to this story.

  6. 9:32 - From what orifice did you pull that piece of assumption?

  7. Jessie Ventura snuck in with some thermite paint posing as a moslim construction worker. Then Dr. Evil shot it with a frikin laser beam.

  8. We all know due to today's society that it is questionable. Would Macron go so far as distracting the French protestors? Will we ever find out. No

  9. I find it suspicious that the fire was noticed 15 minutes after the cathedral closed for the day. I also find it suspicious that there was no construction work going on that day. As a result I will wait to come to a conclusion as to the origination of the fire.

  10. When I see these huge elaborate churches that cost millions of dollars and untold man-hours to construct I often wonder how any people could have been helped instead.
    Now, untold dollars will be spent to rebuild this monstrous dinosaur when children are going to bed hungry.

  11. Google this
    12 french French churches burn down in I week in March....also A female muslim Terrorist was SENTENCED the SAME DAY Notre Dame burnt down to 8 yrs in prison for the ATTEMPTED BOMBING OF NOTRE DAME IN 2016 //////////////

  12. April 16, 2019 at 3:45 PM = yes

  13. It wasn't Muslims. It was the Catholic Church looking to reap billions for a complete renovation and then some from the suckers around the world. No way seven million was going to make any difference to that old heap.

  14. Friends called from Paris, and many Catholic Churches have been set on fire. Media is cowering to Muslim pressure to not report it. Many of the Police believe that Muslims are to blame. Security cameras have picked up many suspicious men just before fires. Many of these men look to be Muslim.

    Omar can say again, "Some people did something".

  15. Within 5 minutes every single network, Fox included, said it was construction.
    On 9/11, after second tower got hit, every network, including fox within 5 minutes said it was bin laden.
    You don’t know what you don’t know.

  16. 10:16 you are spot on. We will never know the truth.


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