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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Mob of Teens Rampage Through Downtown Chicago

A mob of teenagers numbering in the hundreds flooded downtown Chicago on Thursday, attacking people, stealing from stores, and erupting in fistfights. Police struggled to stop them, reports indicate.

The teens first began their unruly behavior in the city’s Millennium Park off of Michigan Avenue, but once police arrived, the teens fanned out toward other shopping districts, such as State Street and Lake, Chicago’s CBS affiliate reported.

Some reports noted that police were deferential to the kids, and only a few arrests were made, but the teens were defiant and violent.

“They work their butt off all night long, and they are so tolerant of these kids who are just so disrespectful, cursing at them, saying the things that they say, and we have the upmost tolerance of that,” Chicago Police Chief Fred Waller said of his officers.



  1. Were they wearing red MAGA hats shouting racial slurs??

  2. Shoot the thuggers!

  3. what needs to be done.. take these hoodlums to the proverbial tool shed. but i bet one on one they are cowards.

  4. Put the punks in jail on a misdemeanor charge and, after processing, have the parent/s pick them up, say around 3-4:00 a.m.

  5. Those crazy "teens"...Out there just having some "teen" fun.
    Watching various videos of the "teens", I noticed that many of them looked a bit past their teen years.
    However, there WAS one single factor that was obviously the one thing that they shared.
    Didn't the reporters; the newspapers; the TV crews - anybody, notice the race of the teens?
    I guess that doesn't matter.

  6. And we all know what race they were, but you can't point that out or you are called a "Racist" for telling the truth.

  7. Gonna be a long, hot summer.

  8. What's the problem with blacks ? They just want to have fun . Sounds like we have some racist on this blog.
    Now my opinion is: They are worse than ISIS , should be treated the same , aim at the groin because they think with their penis .

  9. And who is silent...Kim Foxx. It's all children just letting off a little steam or maybe it's white kids in black face.

  10. If all these "teenagers" were, say, Japanese, I wonder if the report would state that?

  11. Northwest Woodsman: “Teens”! I wonder if that is a code word for a bunch of Scandinavian kids out for a night of fun?

  12. Now all the wannbe thugs in the bury will want to try to act like those big boys.


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