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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Wicomico Schools Eye $220M Budget

SALISBURY – The Wicomico County Board of Education this week adopted a $220 million proposed budget for fiscal year 2020.

On Tuesday, the school board voted unanimously to approve the $220,816,643 budget. The spending plan includes $7.58 million in funding to launch Achieve! 3.0, Superintendent Donna Hanlin’s strategic priorities for the school system.

“It is well aligned and designed based upon the resources we believe we need to implement in the next iteration of Imagine 2022 where we are emphasizing the three strategic priorities,” she said, “students entering kindergarten ready to learn, increasing the graduation rate with a real focus this year on the social, emotional and behavioral needs of students and our English language learner population, and recruiting and retaining a high performing workforce.”

Jesse Reid, the board of education’s comptroller, said the $220 million budget includes a special revenue budget of nearly $18 million and a general fund budget of $202.8 million, which includes $46.15 million in county appropriations.



  1. And they won't tell you how they are spending all the money. Remember gift cards from Victoria Secrets?

  2. So, if "This amount represents $800,000 above maintenance of effort" will said amount be forever included in the "maintenance of effort"?


  4. I surely hope the work force at BHS improves...and they discipline the students

  5. Just what is a "special revenue budget"? What expenditures does this include or is just a slush fund for pet projects and fun 'lunch, dinner and events' they wish to hold and attend? We the taxpayers want to know publicly and not just some "glibly goop" answer!!

  6. "The spending plan includes $7.58 million in funding to launch Achieve! 3.0, Superintendent Donna Hanlin’s strategic priorities for the school system."

    They need to send that dumba$$ woman back into retirement and take Josh Hastings and Bill McCain with her.

    Hastings and McCain are going to push for spending millions of your hard earned tax dollars on here stupid plans that have no proof of success. The woman was forced into retirement because she was a horrible employee and leader. The majority of those idiots on the BOE voted for that idiot and now we are stuck with her. Now she is demanding millions of your money for something that won't work.

    She needs to go, NOW!

  7. On Tuesday, the school board voted unanimously to approve the $220,816,643 budget.


    1) John Palmer(Mr. VOICE),
    2) Ann Suthowski(Former member of the Republican Central Committee) and
    3) Gene Malone(Republican)

    Three Republicans on that Board of Education overseeing the budget voted with the Democrats to support these major increases in the Superintendents Budget. WTF are they thinking?

    Mark McIver, as President of the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee it is YOUR job to call these 3 Republicans out on this stupidity. It was you that supported their campaigns financially and you supported them on our behalf. You need to publically call them out on this and demand an answer!

    1. That asinine John Palmer (founding father of Voters Opposed to Increase County Expenses) has said he’d resurrect VOICE if Wicomico County raises taxes. Well here he is spending other people’s money like a damn drink sailor on shore leave (which is not unfamiliar to him). This $800,000 could be used to repair roads in the County.

  8. Well I made a mistake voting for Ann Suthowski!

  9. Make them have a forensic audit before they receive any more increases. They have to held accountable. How much is this increase because of the illegals in the area? NO INCREASE. They waste money, thousands of dollars, the last 3 months of their fiscal year.

  10. This is insane. Our tax dollars increase continually as we throw money down the drain for a FAILED school system. More money will NOT fix this problem. Students will continue to be dumbed down and stupid parents will continue to allow their children to go through this failing system.

  11. Thank you for my 2% raise. All u others can kiss my a$$

  12. is this the same school system that hires counselors that molest children, principles that cover for the child molesters,and hires drug dealers as school employees?

  13. who is the wcboe accountable to? their so called budget accounting is a joke. Yes there needs to be an independent forensic audit of their budget! their budget is as much or even more then the county budget as a whole and little to no oversight! the whole board needs to be replaced. Fitz and hanlan need to go now! to continually ask for more and more with no results is total BS! since when does an education require emotional social behavioral needs? and if needed why should I have to pay to support these lowlifes lack of teaching their children right from wrong? wtf are the parents responsible for?
    why doesn't she include spiritual needs? maybe if these kids were taught at home to respect each other and the opportunities they are offered then things would change? oh that's right we dont want to teach them those things!
    ENOUGH of the BS! Audit now!

  14. Mark McIver is not that powerful of a man that you think he is. He does not have to power to stop anybody from running for an elected position. As long as a person fits the requirements of the board of elections they can file and run. McIver does not have the power to stop that. It not his fault as to how any of them vote. He can ask them questions just as any of you can. Why they voted the way they did and sold us all down the river. They can answer or they can ignore you. i myself want to know why they voted the way they did. What say you Ann? John? and Malone? and you dummy that told us all to kiss your a$$ yeah you may get that 2% raise but look what you will be paying back out in your taxes. How the hell do you think this will all get paid for? so hand that 2% back plus equals you going into the hole. So now who is actually the dumb a$$?

  15. 220 million budget and you still have one of the worst school systems in Maryland if not nationally. Rah rah rah wtf are you cheering about??

  16. So much for the need for an elected school board to keep spending in check.


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