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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Annapolis Legislative Update — $1 BILLION IN NEW TAXES???

Legislative Leaders Propose a $1 BILLION Tax Hike

Speaker of the House Mike Busch and Senate President Mike Miller say they’ve figured out a “blueprint” for the future of Maryland’s public schools. Sounds great, right?

The problem is — their proposal calls for a $1 BILLION tax hike on Maryland taxpayers to pay for it!

Remember Martin O’Malley’s 47 consecutive tax increases, totaling more than $8 billion dollars?

Remember the $547 million in taxes that Democrats decided to keep last year instead of returning it to state taxpayers?



  1. GEE. I wonder what part of the STATE is getting that?? I know. THE USELESS PART.

  2. I can't afford those Annapolis tyrants anymore!

  3. Md is still following the California blueprint that they have instituted several years ago. When will they quit spending and go by the BALANCED BUDGET in MD's Constitution? Hogan are you going to VETO or let the Democrat friends of yours keep screwing MD citizens?

  4. Make the 1Million or higher incomes pay for this instead of me a retired senior citizen.

    1. So you’re answer is to punish successful people, who if they are millionaires , that provide jobs and pay more taxes than anyone. ? How about Maryland Democrats learn not to spend everyone else’s money and cut spending?

  5. Take that from the Billions spent on illegals.

  6. Retire somewhere else

  7. Sad but true - you need to move. There needs to be a Northern Maryland and a Southern Maryland to make taxing fair. Eastern Shore and Southern Maryland are paying for Northern Maryland poor or lazy individuals. There are probably more welfare receipients in PG country than Wicomcio county. However everyone pays the same taxes.

  8. 10:57 - they tried that in NY - the millionaires left!
    How about we recommend that these clowns spend less?!
    The citizens could point out waste on a daily basis that would cover this and more!

  9. Maryland has a balanced budget LAW. That means when they pass spending legislation, they have to either cut spending somewhere else (that ain't going to happen), or raise taxes to balance the budget. And everybody thinks a balanced budget amendment would be good for the country...geesh. That is just a license to raise taxes indiscriminately and forever. That's what we have in Maryland. What Maryland needs is a cap on tax increases like Wicomico County. Not likely lawmakers in Maryland would ever impose limits on their unlimited spending and raising taxes to cover it. Maryland lawmakers are as corrupt as they get, just like Congress. There is no "best interest of the people."

  10. March 13, 2019 at 10:56 AM:

    You do realize that a balanced budget requirement in Maryland REQUIRES legislators to raise taxes to cover increases in spending, don't you? Their only other alternative when they pass legislation that costs anything is to cut spending somewhere else to keep the budget balanced. They never cut spending. Democrats never do. Hogan, the RINO, will not veto it, because he would have to propose spending cuts to offset the spending increase passed by the legislature. Balanced budget requirements serve only the legislators that pass spending bills, and screw the constituents that have to pay for it all through never ending tax increase. Quit cheering the balanced budget requirement in MD's constitution. Marylander's were suckered into voting for it in the mistaken belief (and lie) that it would limit spending. It sounds like you got suckered too.

  11. How about a sun tax?

  12. America is Taxed to Death , when will it ever Stop ???

    There needs to be NO damn Taxes period !!! No need for it

    Make the Govt make their own damn $$$ & they do ,by the
    way , so Why do they need Ours ??? They Don't !!!!

    If I made my own $$$ like they do WHy would I need Yours?

  13. Why do they continually insult our intelligence and proclaim that these funds will be spent on schools? The funds for schools should be directly tied to the states lottery earnings like they said they would at the lotteries inception. Tell the same lie over and over and we are supposed to believe it?

  14. Taxpayers got to fund the state pension shortfall instead of clawing it back from all the millionaire financial experts who invested and lost it but benefited from exorbitant fees.

  15. There is no State Employee Fund shortfall. Get informed, If there was a shortfall in this Fund then why are the State Legislature with Miller and Busch consistently stealing from it to put in the State budget and not paying back. This Fund is one of the most stable retirement fund in the US.


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