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Friday, March 29, 2019

Teen girls ranked by their male peers fought back not to "patronize" but to "educate"

A group of teen girls in Maryland is fighting back after their male classmates circulated a list rating and ranking 18 of them by their appearance. The Washington Post first reported that the list was sent around Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School earlier this month.

Six of the girls who appeared on the list told CBS News that when they saw the list, they felt objectified and decided it was time to stop accepting the excuse that "boys will be boys."

Jane Corcoran said she never wants another girl to feel the way she did when she saw her appearance rated on a list circulated by boys at her high school.

"I think that the female generation is always thinking what did I do to deserve this? And the answer is we did not do anything," Corcoran said. "In my head, you know, I tried to push away the thoughts that, you know, a number does not define me and I put out a confident front but it's really hard to think about 'Why is this girl a point better than me?'"



  1. Ha! Someone got 18th place!

  2. Maybe because she was less than smart? Did she mean gender instead of generation. That school is full of little rich kids that couldn't get into the very prestigious private schools that litter the area because their parents just weren't rich enough. Cry me a river. If white privilege really exists Bethesda/Chevy Chase is the headquarters.

  3. Agree with 3:56!!! Easy to see that they were not Numero Ono!!

  4. The fake outrage is always amusing.
    This has been going on F-o-r-e-v-e-r(Sandlot Voice). There are countless Tv shows/ movies that exist with basically this exact premise both boys or girls.

    Girls make lists of the cutest boys, guys make lists of the hottest girls, whoa when did that all start?

  5. Social media will the downfall AND failure of these kids. Bathroom stalls and walls is where these lists need to return to. Didn't have any problems WAY back in the day with the "411" on the stall walls!

    snicker snicker!

  6. The 10- scale has been around since the beginning of time! Cheese, just chill out, kids!

  7. Angry white BOYS not getting laid is hardly news.

  8. Angry black BOYS sitting in prison most of their lives embarrassing America as a whole is hardly news either.


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