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Friday, March 29, 2019

Jussie Smollett could take home NAACP Award Saturday

"Empire" actor Jussie Smollett is having a big week.

His charges for allegedly staging a hoax hate crime against himself were dropped, and this weekend he could take home a big award.

Smollett is nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 50th NAACP Image Awards on Saturday.

He hasn't said whether he'll attend the televised ceremony or not.

But Smollett arrived in Los Angeles Wednesday night.



  1. He is quite the actor, he even acts like a hate crime victim

  2. If he wins, he can pawn it to pay for the investigation!

  3. Good! The Naacp and Smollett are a joke.

  4. The world has gone insane !

  5. I've got an award for him, right here in my holster.

  6. My question for the NAACP is, Is this the best you got?

  7. That and a dollar won't buy you a cup of coffee


  8. He was the leading actor in a poorly staged hoax. Should get their purple eye award for the damage he did to race relations.

  9. Well, Obama did get a Nobel prize for nothing. Seems fair...

  10. About as deserving as Obama. NOT AT ALL.

  11. He is an embarrassment to his race. Period!

  12. He should have been stripped of any chance of an award when all this media frenzy of his started. But of course the NAACP will be happy to honor anyone with so much media attention, no one ever cares if its good media news or not just as long as it's out there and gets attention. It's getting almost to the point that you could kill someone and be convicted of murder and still receive an award.


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