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Friday, March 29, 2019

House Republicans plan another push to force a vote on anti-infanticide legislatio

House Republicans are making another move to get the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to the floor of the chamber for a vote, but there’s another big hurdle they’ll have to clear.

Tuesday morning, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise announced that a discharge petition for the bill, which failed in the Senate, will be filed on April 2. The catch? It’ll have to be signed by a majority of House members to get the bill to the floor.

With the current House makeup, that will require all Republicans and 20 Democrats to sign the petition.

Right now, there are currently three vacancies in the House. With 197 House Republicans, the magic number for a majority is 417, instead of the 418 required under normal circumstances. That leaves Republicans with a lot of ground to cover.


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