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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Maryland House of Delegates approves bill to raise state's hourly minimum wage to $15 by 2025

The Maryland House of Delegates approved Friday a bill that would gradually increase the state's minimum wage from $10.10 per hour to $15 by 2025.

The 96-44 vote fell largely along party lines, with Democrats supporting the measure and mostly Republicans opposing it.

The vote came after about 90 minutes of debate, with supporters arguing that raising the amount would help lift low-wage workers out of poverty and opponents saying it could drive companies out of business, resulting in a loss of jobs. Some lawmakers from rural counties that border other states said the effects would be worse in their areas because jobs might be chased across the border to where wages are lower.

Pennsylvania and Virginia follow the federal minimum wage of $7.25. Delaware and West Virginia have a minimum wage of $8.75, with Delaware’s scheduled to increase to $9.25 this fall. The minimum wage in the District of Columbia is $13.25, going up to $14 this summer.



  1. Yet RAISE taxes. So WTF did you achieve?? NOTHING!! More Small business layoffs and higher taxes for ALL. These people are bigger DOPES than the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

  2. All the terrorists and illegals in Montgomery county are glad to hear that.

  3. wonder if i can get an equivalent raise?

  4. Fewer workers that will have to increase work load by 50%

  5. Look this up Tim Kaine the RINO Son is part of ANTIFA

  6. No matter how much they lie about it because all democrats lie all the time and about everything this is not about wages. It is about controlling where people work. Many small businesses will close which then makes employees having to compete for jobs. The only way to get people out of poverty is supply and demand. We have to have employers competing for employees and this is done by raising wages and offering benefits. Just like has happened everywhere else they do this more people will lose jobs then are helped by this. Don't let the democrats fool you. There isn't a good honest decent one alive. They all lie and all the time. This is all about control and nothing more.

  7. 9:26 Lets also add how stupid everyone is since JOE just posted an article the other day about how everyone is losing their jobs in that one state (I forgot which one it was sorry) and they have raised there minimum to 15 and hour...

    You people don't listen, pay attention or learn from anything do you????

  8. Yep 9:55 I do remember that article Joe posted. Its all about closing business so Big business can get richer by paying slave wages and not offering benefits. The democrats are completely controlled by Big Business. Don't listen to them when they claim otherwise. Democrats are no good. None of them. They are all liars and/or ignoramuses who have been so dumbed down they can't think and only repeat the propaganda rammed down their brain dead throats.

  9. No more eating out 1 or 2 times a week for me and family.

  10. And people will wonder why a Coke will cost $2.75 and a "value meal" will be $6

  11. Have you ever noticed how Democrats are always buying votes !

  12. I don't understand how the government can dictate wage requirements to a FREE Enterprise businesses. Talk about communism.


  13. Surrounding states the actual beneficiaries! Like always!!

  14. So when I retire, I'm going to get $600.00 per week to say "Welcome to WalMart." And "I'm loving it!"

  15. No you won't 2:25, you'll only be working 15 to 20 hrs a week

  16. Northwest Woodsman: By the sound of the comments from the majority of those submitting to this site, you are all welcome at my compound here in the Northwest anytime. Always happy to be around others who support the same values. Thanks guys!

  17. Raise the wage but continue all the regs on business real smart.


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