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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Maryland Gov. Hogan offers minimum wage compromise

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has proposed a compromise in the debate over a $15 an hour minimum wage.

In a letter to Senate President Mike Miller and House Speaker Mike Busch, Hogan pitched a plan to raise the current state minimum wage of $10.10 an hour to $12.10 an hour by 2022.

Hogan said he could support that increase under several conditions, including having a “trigger” that would make any increase above $12.10 contingent on increases in neighboring states.

Another condition would include increasing the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit to 60 percent of the federal wage.



  1. He is a freakin RINO without an original thought in his head.

  2. That burger keeps getting thinner and thinner.

  3. If you and your corrupt mga would stop taxing, devaluation of the dollar and destroying the economy....you wouldnt need to mess with min wage, but that would put a kink in your vice of power and control....wouldnt it mr progressive hogan. TRAITOR.

  4. the 15.00 minimum is going to destroy this state. It will destroy the majority of workers in this state. Many have been on their jobs for years and worked hard to be making that now and they will find themselves back to minimum. Most business that can will let workers go and will go more automated to offset the additional costs. All to give a burger flipper that money. They cant even make a burger right. Lettuce and tomato that looks like something that should get fed to the hogs. i for one rarely eat fast food anymore because i'm not paying that for a burger that is unedible to eat. with the 15.00 Md will be closed for business. Look how much more it will cost tax payers for town, county and state workers not to mention all prices will go up along with the price of services. This is a bad idea. the minimum wage was never intended to be a living wage. The golden arches was never intended to be a career to pay the rent unless its management. Want to make 15.00 go find another job, work hard or do as many did, go back to school.

    1. The Golden Arches need to give up some of their profit and increase wages without charging more to the customer. How much do you think these owners make - I know what they own, boats, RVs, half million + homes, private schools for at least 3 kids. It is always the workers and customers who get screwed.

  5. March 9, 2019 at 9:45 AM

    used to be 175 tissues in that box of kleenex. No more and cost more $$$

  6. The minimum wage nonsense will no doubt halt much in the economy. People have no clue they are destroying their own faces to spite their noses. Minimum wage goes up, automation begins to take hold. Look at McDonald’s if you don’t believe it. Now you can order at kiosks. You don’t need to have a cashier with a bad attitude. That kiosk will take your order and your order will be ready in a no time. Pretty soon that nasty attitude cashier will be looking for another industry for which to work.

    Economics aren’t hard to understand if you use common sense. The problem is too many people are running around without common sense. This includes your illustrious governor who seems to revel in sticking his nose into places where he ought not be. Last term is the reason he doesn’t give a hoot.

    1. I heard he was running 2020.

    2. Automation was coming anyway, machines don't get sick, come in late or call out, and they don't need benefits such as health care or paid holidays

  7. Stopped by McDonalds yesterday ordered the Big Mac.....could not see either hamburger for the buns and lettuce!!! Sticking with the whopper at Burger King at least you can see the 🍔 hamburgers!

  8. 10:41 You are right on the mark, just trying to get media attention anyway he can he is a traitor to this state, sorry he ever got elected worst governor ever and he actually believes he will be president. How does he think he is even qualified because he just won the Maryland Governor race because the other candidate was so hated and he got in on the sympathy of his cancer. Dumb and Dumber you won't even get a second term as governor let alone president of this country, he has an over active ego, just like Jake Day.

  9. Tears, delicious tears.

  10. To all those complaining about the governor the option was BenJealous. Just think about that and think about three years from now, Hogan is a rhino but he is a lot better than the radical

  11. 3:19,1 owner owns 50 McDonald's so what's your point?


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