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Sunday, March 10, 2019

This Painting Of Our President Is Awesome!

My new painting – “National Emergency”
“They hold the flags they cherish…
And trample America’s interests…
And endanger millions of people…
It is a national emergency.” – Jon McNaughton


  1. This thing is as dishonest as it is disgusting. Lies and propaganda.

    "... when fascism comes to America it will come carrying a bible wrapped in the flag....

    1. 935, 940 are the same person. Lol. Great painting MAGA

    2. Small minds have a thick outer layer keeping common sense out

  2. Better to stand with God and be judged by man ...than stand with man and be judged by God !!!!

  3. You, of all people, should not continue to support this greedy grifter snake oil salesman. Bowing his head in prayer? Never happened. We need to get back to REAL American values-respect for marriage, respect for law and order, respect for families and hard-working people. This guy never prayed for anything in his life other than his own self interests. It's time for real Conservatives to snap back to reality. Take back the Party!

    1. Sounds like you are not happy with what our President is doing for us. I hear UK and Canada are doing great lol😂 suggest you move the.

  4. Where can you buy it ?

  5. civil war is coming.

  6. Looks like a nice spot to back up a covered military truck to, open the back curtain & turn on the M60

  7. Time for these TRAITORs can to visit GITMO

  8. Need to include CNN's Don Lemon in that Picture! Talk about hate/racist, he is the poster child!

  9. Its really amazing how you people validate this draft dodging SOB , He is not a patriot and soon you will see He is out for one thing TRUMP.

  10. 11:38 Jon McNaughton has a website and a FB page you can buy his prints or paintings there. He does some beautiful work. He has many btw. Check him out.

  11. Maybe those of you condeming Trump would rather have that racist, bigot, Muslim Obama back? I'd rather be dead!!!


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