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Friday, March 29, 2019

Kate Steinle's parents cannot sue sanctuary city for wrongful death, 9th Circuit rules

A U.S. Appeals Court says the parents of Kate Steinle, who died in 2015 after an undocumented man shot her as she walked with her father on a San Francisco pier, cannot sue the city whose sanctuary policies were widely blamed for the tragedy.

Steinle’s killer, Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate, was released by the San Francisco sheriff, Ross Mirkarimi, after a drug case against him was dropped. The sheriff’s office, which had ended contact between jail employees and immigration officials, ignored a request by federal authorities to hold Garcia-Zarate until they could assume custody and did not inform them that he was being released.

Three months later, Garcia-Zarate, who had been deported to his native Mexico five times, killed Steinle.




  1. Appeal to the supremes

  2. Supreme Court might feel differently

  3. This death is on the heads of San Francisco County politicians and the sheriff, whose responsibility was to uphold the laws of the land, not just the ones that Liberals like.

  4. Cry, the beloved country!

  5. next court should see different.

  6. Can't imagine what I would do in this situation. Yes I would like to kill the individual but it would not bring her back. It would just put you away and therefore another tragedy. I really feel for the parents. Supreme Court action is needed. SancuSanc cities such as those in MD should be abolished.


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