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Friday, February 08, 2019

THEY LIED! FBI Hid Proof that Hillary's Emails Were Attacked Multiple Times As Far Back as 2011 -- But Used A 2016 DNC Incident As their Case for Mueller Probe!

The fairy tale that the Russians hacked the DNC’s emails in 2016 in an effort to help candidate Trump win the Presidency led to the corrupt Mueller investigation.

Per a review of evidence provided by the FBI we know that Hillary’s emails were hacked as early as 2011 and Hillary was warned about these attacks. 

Overall, Hillary and the FBI appear to be covering up the facts.

The Mueller sham is unconstitutional and a crime on numerous counts. The mainstream media (MSM) won’t tell the American people and the world that the entire scam was built on and runs on numerous lies. A recent review of events related to Hillary Clinton’s emails further indicate that the entire Mueller sham was built on a series of lies covered up by the FBI.

Hillary wasn’t suddenly hacked by Russians in 2016. We don’t really even know if Hillary’s emails or the DNC’s emails were hacked by the Russians at all. We don’t even know if the DNC’s emails were hacked. What we do know is that the information surrounding Hillary’s emails and the DNC emails is sketchy and conflicting – like the Mueller investigation is as a whole.



  1. When is the raid on the Clintons going to happen? They have done alot worse than the previous accused!

  2. They lied! Oh my gosh. I can't believe it. The Democrats lied.


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