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Friday, February 08, 2019

Illinois Democrats Push 'Assault Weapons' Ban, Firearm Registration

With Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) at the helm and Democrat-led majorities in the House and Senate, Illinois lawmakers are pushing an “assault weapons” ban and firearm registration requirements.

The Telegraph reports that an “assault weapons” ban–Senate Bill 107–is being sponsored by State Sen. Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield). The legislation bans the sale of numerous commonly-owned semiautomatic firearms including certain pistols and shotguns, and requires registration of certain firearms that gun owners may already possess.

The bill is written so that failure to register results in a felony charge.



  1. Dave T: What can we say about Liberal Illinois? Chicago certainly is a gleaming example of how successful liberal politics work. I need not say anything further, the situation speaks for itself. If you can't figure that out, then you're beyond help.

  2. Typical Nazi confiscation

  3. The US government must disarm Americans prior to the collapse of the US Dollar.
    They cannot allow Americans to posses arms when the Dollar is transitioned to a new currency.
    It simply cannot be allowed to continue - Americans will be disarmed one way or another.

    Individual States will continue to chip away at Americans' rights in order to set the stage for Federal action.

    Thank you

  4. @7:25 thank you!! It's refreshing to hear someone that actually understands what is transpiring

  5. It works so well in Chicago that it must work just as well in the whole state.


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