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Friday, February 08, 2019

5G Wireless: A "Massive Health Experiment" That Could Cause Cancer And Global Catastrophe

Experts are warning that superfast broadband known as 5G could cause cancer in humans, and the usage of 5G is nothing more than a “massive health experiment.” 5G could very well be a global catastrophe that kills wildlife, gives people terminal diseases, and causes the Earth’s magnetic field to change, according to shocking claims by a technology expert.

Arthur Robert Firstenberg is an American author and an activist for electromagnetic radiation and health. In his 1997 book Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution, he claimed:

“The telecommunications industry has suppressed damaging evidence about its technology since at least 1927.”

Firstenberg has also founded the independent campaign group the Celluar Phone Task Force and since 1996 he has argued in numerous publications that wireless technology is dangerous.

According to a report by the Daily Star, Firstenberg has also recently started an online petition calling on world organizations, such as the United Nations, World Health Organisation (WHO), and European Union to “urgently halt the development of 5G,” which is due to be rolled out this year. In fact, Verizon has activated the world’s first 5G networks in four cities in the United States: Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, and Sacramento. According to the Firstenberg, wireless networks are “harmful for humans” and the development of the next generation is “defined as a crime” under international law, as he states it in the online petition.

When speaking to The Daily Star Online, Firstenberg said this 5G rollout is deadly.

“There is about to be as many as 20,000 satellites in the atmosphere. The FCC approved Elon Musk’s project for 12,000 satellites on November 15th and he’s going to launch his in mid-2019. I’m getting reports from various parts of the world that 5G antennas are being erected all over and people are already getting sick from what’s there now and the insect population is getting affected,” Firstenberg stated.



  1. Of course this is more than likely what will happen with 5G!!! When you have the FCC or FAA who said they are going to roll out 5G as fast as they can, with no oversight or regulations or even testing, That tells me all I need to know... IF there are not test to prove or disprove it is harmful or not, then more than likely it is harmful and this is a way for them to not tell or show you becasue, there is no evidence of what it will do until after it does it... As an electrical engineer, I can assure you, these kinds of frequencies are harmful, and anyone who is a doctor or nurse knows how emf's and electromagnetic radiation can affect the body, what the hell do you think an EKG machine is and does??? It used the frequencies of your hear beat to detect the pulses and translates the data to a readable form... What do you think comes from your fancy forced to have smart meters???? Why is it that on the websites of these power companies they claim it only sends data a few times a day, when if you use a meter, it shows it sends or receives ever 2 to 5 seconds, all day everyday... So why do they need to lie to you??? because it is harmful and they know how stupid you people are and think oh well this won't affect me, or they are crazy or what ever dismissive crap you come up with for why you are just plain fat, stupid and lazy...

    I can promise you, there are devices out here and being developed that can, use the energy or smart meter pulses through your home to determine where you are exactly in the house, and what your heart rate is and everything else... With the right device, I can tell you where your washer and dryer are, what outlet it used, when it goes on or off, when you open the door, when you put detergent in, and what kind you use...

  2. I predict that there will be No Device areas set aside in restaurants, theaters and stadiums, not that it will do us any good.

  3. 2:17 Holy cow, man! take your meds!!

  4. February 8, 2019 at 2:17 PM
    Just like Perdue who never tested and poisoned us for decades with antibiotics in chicken.
    All about the benjamin's

  5. Thank goodness I have a 4G.

  6. When money is the driving force none of this information will matter.

  7. Dave T: I've long said that cancer the illness has become a modern business, rather than a condition needing to be treated. More evidence to support the theory and I'm sadly not surprised.

  8. 217
    You are correct in my opinion.
    Thank you for the comment.

    I have read a lot about this topic and believe 5G is extremely dangerous.
    Ditto for Smart Meters.


  10. Ain't nothin' but a 5G thang.

  11. 9:51
    Do you even understand the topic?

    It is about the corporations killing people for profit.
    How is it a joke?

    Come on. It is not a funny topic

  12. It would be interesting to know does the author of this article have no cell phone, tv, washer & dryer, etc.? I'm not brain washed to believe there are no harmful effects possible. But I'm also smart enough to know any test that is done is subject to lean toward the belief of the tester. Do we remember when we couldn't use cellphones in hospitals because we were told they could cause pacemakers to fail? Yet today, we all use them in hospitals including the people with the pacemakers. Early tests show a reason for concerns, further testing disproves or confirms their results. It seems like most times "the sky is falling" doesn't really happen.


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