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Monday, February 18, 2019

Now we know: it was (and remains) an attempted coup

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s 60 Minutes interview, airing in full on CBS tonight, is a disaster for the Deep State. His admission during his interview that he and other top FBI and Justice Department officials seriously considered taking steps including invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office in the spring of 2017 is a blockbuster. Thanks to his candor,

we can finally use without reservation the “C” word – for an attempted coup d’état –in describing what McCabe and other Deep State players were cooking up in secret two years ago.

Excerpts of McCabe’s damning interview were released by CBS News on Thursday. Almost immediately, a range of experts – including a few Democrats – began using the “C” word.



  1. General public needs a full disclosure of this act of treason

  2. This man needs around the clock protection. He apparently knows too much and is speaking out. He is trying to get revenge but the revenge is not his.

  3. 7:05 Agreed. Its time the swamp pays for their dirty deeds.

  4. The real question is who can we trust and will true justice be served.

  5. Hillary & Obama ordered it ALL !!! Lock them up


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