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Monday, February 18, 2019

Laura Ingraham Floats Prosecution For Smollett — And She Doesn’t Stop There

Fox News host Laura Ingraham fired back at actor Jussie Smollett after news broke that police were looking into the possibility that he had orchestrated his own alleged attack, arguing that he should be subject to prosecution for making false accusations.

Ingraham didn’t stop with Smollett, though — she also named Kavanaugh accusers Julie Swetnick and Christine Blasey-Ford, suggesting that they should also be subject to prosecution.

“False, defamatory, poisonous, costly accusations by Blasé-Ford [sic], Swetnick, Smollet [sic] must all be punished to fullest extent of civil and/or criminal law,” Ingraham tweeted on Saturday.



  1. I couldn't agree more.

  2. He needs to be prosecuted!

  3. He should get both a Chicago and Federal grand jury. broke a bunch of laws.

  4. Just but his bitter in jail until his trial - he will make some new friends.


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