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Monday, February 18, 2019

Boy Scouts?


  1. Looks like the girl scouts kicked them out for eating all the damn cookies

  2. I am the mother of an Eagle Scout but I will no longer support the scouts. The liberals destroyed the scouts when they let the girls join with the boys, and now I don’t care what they do!

  3. What a stupid a$$ world we live in.

  4. Too bad the girls are doing this just because. Next thing “me too” will be an issue from with in. So glad I was involved when BSA was a revered organization.

  5. Girls could be part of Scouting thru the Explores and they could achieve Eagle,this has always been since there has been Explorers.

  6. You cheer.
    They deliver.

    Is that the lesbian branch of the Boy Scouts? Or the ones kicked out of the Weight Watchers Troop?

    Yeah, I said it.
    Keep cheering.

  7. The girls ruined the girl scouts and now they are in the process of ruining the boy scouts. That PC for you.

  8. Liberals destroy everything they touch.

  9. The girl scouts didnt offering testing programs when I was a kid, sewing, selling goodies. I joined one boy scout troop for a program in radio Broadcasting. The girl scouts need to change with the times and add more STEM oriented skills to help them attract more girls. Hey girl scouts we can get our hands dirty and like doing things outdoors.

  10. Would they be permitted to refuse a boy joining?

  11. I quit brownies to go to boys weightlifting and I am girl!


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