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Sunday, February 03, 2019

Army Veteran Refused To Take His Trump Shirt Off At Gym. The Owner Escalated

An Army veteran who wore a Trump shirt to the gym he’d attended for eight years, was allegedly labeled a racist and asked not to don the apparel again.

Staff Sgt. Jake Talbot wore a “2016 Trump For President” shirt to CDY Fitness in Troy,Missouri, and was quickly told by gym owner Liz Drew that the shirt was racist and offensive, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Talbot says he began working out before being approached by Drew who told him the shirt was offensive. “It’s offensive to her and others. It represents racism, and it’s racist,” Drew reportedly told him, according to Talbot.

Talbot continued working out and soon after posted a video to Facebook describing the encounter.



  1. Thank you Staff Sgt. Jake Talbot, sir.

  2. This can't be allowed to continue. Shirts, Hats...what else? What about how the Pink Hats that offend many, but are not challenged this way by the conservatives. STOP allowing yourself to be bullied and intimated.

  3. It is so sad that we have reached a level in the "land of the free" that we can't wear a shirt with words. How in the world can a shirt make you "unsafe"? Grow up!

  4. civil war is coming.

  5. I just bought a MAGA hat and I intend to wear it everywhere and I will also be carrying a can of the strongest pepper spray they make.

  6. Dnc said it was racist therefore it is.

  7. I have proudly displayed my racist red cap on my scull for several years in the Salisbury area. Don't recall any comment good or bad.

  8. Yet no one has ever cited an instance of Trump saying or doing anything truly "racist", because he is just plain not a racist person.

    MAGA! Make them cry again 2020!

    1. As crazy and triggered as they ate now, I dont know how we'll survive after he wins again in 2020.

  9. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.


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