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Sunday, February 03, 2019

Early Morning CNN Raid Exposed the FBI, Not Roger Stone

Finally. America is safe. Young children can go outside and play again. No longer is liberty and justice threatened by the scourge of the Donald Trump presidency. Or militant Russian collusion.

Roger Stone has been indicted!

In a predawn raid, heavily armed FBI SWAT team commandos wearing body armor and carrying loaded assault rifles stormed the home where Roger Stone, 66, lives in Florida with his wife.
Of course. Where else would the FBI find such a clear and present menace to peace and society, but a tranquil community where elderly people go to retire?

In a rare departure from their regular diet of Fake News, CNN was tipped off and captured dramatic footage of the daring raid in which Mr. Stone and his wife were rousted from bed in their pajamas. One can never be too careful! Mr. Stone barely had time to cover his giant back tattoo of President Richard Nixon with a T-shirt.

The nefarious Mr. Stone has been charged with lying to Congress. Stop laughing. This is serious! Because only Congress is allowed to lie — and only when talking to the American public.

More here


  1. Trump should FIRE Mueller for LEAKING info to CNN stones arrest.

  2. So what I don’t get is who at the FBI is allowing this charade to happen. Chris Wray? Thought he had more scruples.

  3. Heavily armed is how SWAT teams always arrive. Always remind the public when there's a gun present.

    1. Not true. Most times guns are empty

    2. Law enforcement officers don't go on raids with empty weapons

  4. Dave T: Truly wrong indeed that our justice system is now used as a force to support political ideology. How these people can live with themselves is beyond me. Adolf Hitler would be proud.

  5. Yes it is food for thought. I don't believe domestic violence receives this much attention and that is one of the worse calls a police officer must do. We are really becoming 3rd world.

    1. Used to be but now it's going to the projects or Mexican sections. Can't go alone. Where do you think most calls for service are generated from?

  6. open your eyes guys. no one is above the law or may be the billionaires might be. Thats going to change now with the balance of house and senate.

    1. Lock her up !!!

    2. 4:41- You've never met the Clintons!

  7. 12:44 and you wonder why there is a second amendment and why the govt is trying really hard to take it away from us, now why the F do you think that is????


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