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Sunday, February 03, 2019

Parents denied access to their children's medical records by law

A Coralville, Iowa father recently found out he will no longer have access to his 12-year-old daughter's medical records, so he asked KCRG’s I9 investigative team to investigate.

Kevin Christians, of Coralville, said a letter triggered his concerns alerting him he was losing access to his daughter's medical records.

At the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, parents are no longer able to see test results, messages from doctors and other information once a child turns 12.

The letter said the hospital wants children at that age to be more active in their own health care. Christians said he believes 12 is too young to keep parents in the dark.



  1. Damn and they don't understand why people go postal.

  2. I suppose they will be sending the bill to the 12 year old, too, to you know, get her "more involved" in her care.
    What person thought withholding a child's medical info from their parents was a good idea???
    Keep cheering.

  3. Unless they are paying the bill, I don't think so!

  4. What happened to the legal age of 21 or 18 when old enough to vote, age 12 is far too soon for parents not to have access to their childrens' medical records or be consulted on health matters.

  5. Parents, are you going to allow this to stand??? It's up to you!

  6. Thank a lib! It is BS.

    As far as I am concerned I can see whatever they hell I want until they are able to live without a cent out of my pocket! Don't like it good luck with college, car insurance, cell phones and the list goes on for miles.

  7. Traditional American families are under assault.

  8. The hospital doesn't want the parents to know about the girl's birth control and sexual activities. Or their STD's. Just pay the bills, Mom & Dad.

  9. No common sense at all regarding this - I could see the age being 18, but 12?

  10. 1:05 that is the only reason for them to do this, for you all to go postal, shoot up some place, give them more reasons to get gun control, they get to kill you and then if that is not the real reason, it is so they can get more power and control and see if you people will fight back which we all know you won't so the govt gets a win win...

    Like the bay bridge thing a few years ago... The end goal was to be 10 bucks to cross the bay bridge once, yes just once... People showed up to fight it, and so the govt said, ok we will lower it to 8 bucks instead of 10... It got up to 6 before Hogan returned it back to 4, but however, the point here is, the govt went high on that number for 2 reasons, 1)they knew you wouldn't fight back, and they would get a very large tax (toll) increase so to speak... 2)if you did fight back, they would lower it to make you feel good and that you did something, when you didn't... Because guess what folks, you now pay 4 bucks when it was only 2.50 bucks so the govt won either way, and you lost, you still got a tax (toll) increase on you...

    And that is why I always call all of you stupid, not just becasue you are, but look at it, you can't seem to figure it out and that is what makes you stupid, because others who have are telling you and you still ignore them, bitchin and complaining about the things you can solve, but won'


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