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Sunday, January 27, 2019



  1. This is true. Yes, the truth. It is a dark hour, my listeners. Fellow travelers, it is apparent that they have succeeded. You know who (of course you do). Soros and the New World Order Globalists. Yes. It is true. They will stop at nothing to silence you. Hush, they say. Nothing to "see" here. Yes, there is. There are many malfeasances occurring every day. This started in 1994 with the rise of the Internet and they controlled him. Bill. But he slipped from time to time and was more conservative than they liked. Yes, then in 2003, they discovered wi-fi was a better communication tool to the brain than a hard line hookup and could direct thoughts in real-time. Now, we saw Obama's "planting" in the White House. How can someone with no birth certificate and who comes from Kenya be President of these United States? The media. They, you know who, knew the Mindless Drones (Democrats) would vote for him even though he can't speak coherently without his TelePrompTer machine. We have seen the videos and we know the Truth!

    1. Now your in the right place 7:25

  2. She only works 3 days a week. Flys
    Back and forth to San Francisco. Leaves Thursday sometime and returns on Tuesday. She flys with her government plane that holds 120 people. Her last plane was to small - had to make a stop to refuel so she complained. We pay for her transportation. She doesn't deserve a pay check for only 3 days. Where does she stay while in DC. Does it also have a wall.

  3. Nancy needs to be impeached due to the fact that she is prohibiting the President of the United States from personally addressing Congress, Senate, supreme Court and Americans the State of Union. Where Americans stand on all issues of interest to Americans and the World. This is an obstruction to America's right to know. With the partial government shutdown it is more important now that we hear from our President. President Trump.

  4. Who is her financial advisor?
    Oh! She doesn’t Need one with all the back door deals her husband gets
    Would sure like to follow that money trail?

  5. Her financial documents are hidden behind her liquor cabinet.

  6. No shame. Why? Because they don't give a damn what regular American people think. It's all about the base, money, and self importance. It's their club folks, and we ain't included.

  7. Pelosi, maybe Pesident Trump is not welcome in your hall to give the state of the union address, but you have always been welcome in the White House to negotiate, so get your over paid a$$ over there, act like a grown person instead of the spoiled brat you are and get this shutdown taken care of.

  8. She came from money, family money. She was wealthy before even running for office. She's was from Baltimore before she moved to California and became a politician. She has only gotten more wealthy, while in office.

  9. Pelosi is married to a wealthy venture capitalist. End of investigation. Boy that was fun.

  10. I can't speak for others, but if I were to put four years in a position (one term) and offered full retirement I would accept that sweet deal. Why continue showing up when you don't have to? On the other hand if I stay, I will continue going on vacation to countries for no work related purpose (Pelosi and company, trip Trump canceled for them) and receive all the perks and freebies for my whole family. You also throw in all I can steal (lobbyist donations), etc. and I would probably hang around until death do us part. Nancy Lube Girl (can't complete a thought), Ruth Bader Ginsburg (can't stay awake), etc., etc..

  11. she ain't the only one. feinstein millions from china, mcconnell and his chinese wife? they are all in it together! everyone of them needs to be charged for their crimes and treason!

  12. Two Sets of Laws.

    The IRS will DESTROY you or me over $500.

    Revolution is the solution.
    Hang them in the streets by the hundreds.

    What is she now?? Like, 250 years old?? How do rich people, insulated from middle class lives and problems, get to make laws that govern people they have no clue about?
    The hold themselves ABOVE those laws???

    It's coming. Whether you believe it or not.
    We will be taking this thing back from the leeches, vampires, thugs, and politicians.

    Keep cheering.

  13. another parasite that you dems support

  14. Sounds like >> TWO TERM LIMITS ARE IN ORDER !!!!

    PLus these criminals don't need any salary because they

    make their money on the side (Bribes , Dirty Deals etc )

    Two Term Limits for ALL incl Judges/ House/ Senate = ALL

    1. The PROBLEM with that is More Muslims and snowflakes would be Elected?

  15. Looks like we have a Dictator who has more power than the

    POTUS of America !!!! So much for Freedom !!!

    Judges there for Life
    Congress there for most of life
    FBI head there for 10 years WRONG people !!!
    Must END this NOW

  16. She's very frugal?

  17. This I sure hope is on Lindsay Grahams lists of people that need to be investigated she is positively either mentally unbalanced, or has many secrets she doesn't want to get out. Check out her whole 30 years in the congress.

  18. Nancy slept her way to the top. She did everybody to achieve her power. And I bet she WAS hot, like 50-60 years ago.

    1. Have you seen her neice Now ? Lol she looks like the world's biggest Snowflake nerd .

  19. 2:35
    Yes very frugal and stupid!

  20. Yeah she is hot right now!
    I just asked my 90 year old grandfather
    He said she was a pinup girl in the 40’s
    I always wondered about PopPop’s vision-literally

  21. 8:38, that gets a lot of government contracts.

  22. How much of that did she get from Russian Collusion ???

  23. Damn, she's scary looking.

  24. Is it just me or did every commenter read like 7:25? Did he do a Jedi mind trick on us? Does my comment read like him too?

    Oh my little pretties . . .

    Oh my, what is happening to my mind?

  25. Mr P has had as high as a 200 million net worth.

  26. Term limits are so past due but the swamp will never even vote on them.

  27. Well, Pocahontas is proposing a tax for "rich" people...on their assets, NOT income. I bet Nancy is the FIRST to sign up for that...and Feinstein...and Warner,,,

  28. She is Joseph Gerbles of Hitler's day !!!
    The Propoganda Minister !!!!!

  29. That's 26 years TOOOO LOng ripping off us taxpayers !!!

  30. Does her salary add up to 96 million ?? Then where did she
    get All of that ????? SAme goes for Hillary !!!!!

  31. Perfect example of why 2 term limits are a m u s t !!!!

    Also a new law that No more Govt shutdowns allowed !!!!

    Also a new law to outlaw Affirmative Action !!!!!

  32. She is a Big Sponge sponging off the taxpayers , Jetsetting

    all around the world ......What a dream job !!! Vacation 101


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