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Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Viewer Writes: Mayor Jake Day...

Jake Day, does it really excite you that much to retweet an unknown Democrat mare wants to run against President Trump? 

More evidence that you hate President Trump and Republicans that you are already showing your support for an unknown Democrat. 

You didn't complain about that grant President Trump gave you for the 12 new paid firemen. You didn't complain about that grant President Trump gave you to maintain that fire boat. Who follows the New York Times anyway?


  1. Did you mean "mayor"?

  2. I didn't understand Mr. Day until very recently.Having been an Army officer and now a mare I thought it was a bit unusual for him to lie and be untruthful. Then I saw him for the first time at Market Street Inn. I'm an educated man and my major was mental illnesses . It is so obvious that he has the Napolean Syndrome ( little people trying to grow through words ). He is so tiny I don't understand how he held the position of captain in the army.

    1. If you are so "educated," why can't you type?

    2. I hereby announce my candidacy for President in 2036!

    3. Little people?!! LMAO!!! You got that one right. Little in body and mind. Smallsville USA.

  3. I think they do mean mare.They're being sarcastic.Just saying.

  4. I also use the word "mare" 8:03 when it applies to idiots. You will see in the second comment.

    1. 8:57- You call all idiots "mare"? That in itself is a "mare" thing to do. Good to meet you, Mare.

  5. Calling him mare instead of mayor is the dumbest and most immature way to try and make a point. Grow up a little. I am no means a fan of his, but it really makes you appear stupid.

  6. Replies
    1. No, Joe. Not like "The Bury." Salisbury isn't the first town to to adopt a nick name. For better or for worse. Calling the mayor, the mare, as a pejorative makes no sense and the people who do, appear petty, pathetic, and juvenile.

      Misspelling mayor does not illustrate the depth of absurdity of Jake. It just shows the number of idiots in Salisbury, and that this is their childish way of pouting about their mayor.

      Sad sacks, each of you that finds snarkiness in misspelling words. That's what's wrong with the world today, as my old accounting professor would say.

  7. 9:11 - Good one JOE! They really like to call the kettle black. Instead, they need to take their own inventory before criticizing others.

    1. 9:34- I dont get it. How was that a burn? I didn't come up with the name, The 'Bury. I've never even said it before! So that's not on me I'm even an advocate of this Blog, but this "mare" title for the Jake is nonsense. Unless he refers to himself in the third person all the time as, The Mayor, you folks are unintentionally poking fun of your own constituents for being incapable of pronouncing the actual word correctly! From the comments it seems though there are several others that see it the same way as I. I like this site, but some of your comments doesn't show off the better demographics of its followers. We should all try harder to be better than "them".

  8. A female horse is running for Mayor?

  9. Hey 8:25 , I am in the medical profession and I've done pretty well helping people who have problems , would you prefer I type better than I operate ? I still say this guy "Day" is a parasite attached to the city and the county. If you don't know what a parasite is , try looking it up .

  10. This idiot DAY is on pac-14 again boasting and bragging how well downtown Salisbury is doing. And by the looks of it he could use a booster seat. In reference to the other "mare" is definitely more appropriate than calling this idiot mayor. He no more meets the qualifications of being a mayor or army officer than Carl anderton being in your house of Representatives. Your area is in extreme defunct and failing fast. As far as the Napoleon syndrome please don't leave Day's butt buddy Stevenson out. This poor guy is obsessed with trying to bee accepted by your social groups. Both of these morons are walking cluster F. I believe the logo they were so proud of was "da 'bury".

  11. Hey doc Jake day is worse than a parasite. He's a flat out thief and couldn't make it in corporate America so now he's trying to carve out a career in politics. What is the one thing ALL politicians do? You guessed it LIE and steal other people's money. So there you have it all you pussies defending misspelling mayor. I flat out called him a liar and a thief

  12. Prior to Day becoming Mayor of Salisbury there was a group that meant once a month known as the "Mayors Roundtable" it was a good idea because the different neighborhoods could get together and find out what worked in some communities and what didn't, a sounding board so to speak. It is always good when people who care about their communities, can meet with the mayor it is a good forum for bringing up problems. I have asked repeatedly why he did not keep this group meeting and have never got an answer when asked to his face or on this blog. I guess he just doesn't care about anyone's decision but his own!

  13. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 26, 2019 at 4:53 PM

    Calling Jake Day a Mare is not right. Mare - Female Horse is more usefull than him. Fake Jake is suffering from TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome, just like his cohorts. In typical Democrat fashion he keeps spending Taxpayers Money on stupid pet projects while the city is turning into Ghetto Gangster Paradise - Da Bury. All while Fake Jake is painting Rainbows on the sidewalks in front of library with his LGBQT Drag buddies. And now he's proud of some Unknown Democ-rat from Indiana about running for President, like he's got a chance?! Maybe Fake Jake should aim his focus on well-being of citizens in his town. But then, well, that's too much to ask. Welcome to Da Bury, just drop your wallet and keep moving.

  14. Da bury I thought.

  15. This is truly saddening to think you allow this idiot to be mayor. WTF is he doing trolling some other clueless young mayor in Indiana on twitter? Is their a coalition of future young dumbass leaders of America? My favorite Jake day moment was when he showed up to do an interview with a local rap hip hop radio station trying to be down with the plight of blacks dressed in his jeans and cowboy boots. N-I-C-E

  16. Jake Day is a whimsical mayor. He loves the spotlight and gladly hogs it at all events especially with the Governor. He’s a poser with no substance. His haphazard governance is pretty much visible to anyone who gets their head out of the Liberal warm fuzzy koolaid punch bowl for 2 seconds.

    The problem is Salisbury is such a clique-driven town. Always has been. Those who befriend the child mayor do it because they think it somehow gives them stature. Really? Stature when the folk festival was an utter disaster and they had pull that idiot at SU out of mothballs to do some BS study which was pure spun fairy dust.

    Such insane puppetry here on the “Shore”. You all suck up to a$$es because you think it makes you look hip or cool. It’s always been this way even back to the days of Green Hill Yacht [sic] & Country Club. A whole bunch of nobodies running around trying to be somebody.

    Here’s a clue. Some of the richest people I know don’t flaunt their money around town. No they’re too busy making more of it while power yucks pretend they’re some damn Dynasty episode.

    Jake Day is just a symptom of this problem. Or should I say the end product of it. Listen, hate to break it to you, angels, Salisbury ain’t cool. It’s never been cool and it never will be cool. Maybe if you get yourself a Harris Teeter you may begin to have some coolism but until then, you’re a trailer park town with some neighborhoods with better trailers than others. Finé

    1. Whoa, a Harris Teeter makes a town "cool"? I bet you have no sense of self awareness. Finished. (This is America, not France)

    2. Meaning you don’t have good high demo stores in Salisbury because there’s no one who would really shop there and spend lots of money. How many pâté eaters are in Salisbury? How many people buy $1,500 bottles of fine wine? Geesh, you can’t even get a Cracker Barrel. You think the ECI families in the ‘Hood can afford such food on their EBT cards? Seriously? It was an example of a high end grocery store you all don’t and will never have. Please. Try to pay attention.

    3. 8:33-I am paying attention, and I still find your comments stupid.

    4. Considering the source I ain’t losing any sleep.

  17. 12:01 You called the mayor a liar and a thief but I noticed you did it anonymously.

    1. And anyone can fill in a fictitious name. What’s your point?

  18. As someone who actually works in DC, I find it telling that Jake Day has some eyes towards a bigger political jaunt. Maybe he should observe what’s happening to Ocasio-Cortez and the ill treatment and disdain DC has for her before selling the plantation and moving to DC. We would eat him for breakfast and throw him up by lunch. Boy king can’t cut it the big swamp. He should just stick to the mini swamp of his own making.

    1. I’d pay big money to see the Jakester combat the DC swamp. That would be hilarious.


  19. The unique feature the mare of South Bend brings to the SocialistDemocrat horse race toward Pennsylvania Avenue is that he married his boyfriend, who teaches school.

    By the time the actual primary arrives next year the printed list of those running will stretch from 'da bury' to Delmar.

  20. @10:05 that's why Jake Day supports this mayor. Jake day and his merry band of ferries will sell the farm to be a part of something like that

  21. @9:12 Jake and his buddies know exactly who I am.

  22. Have we truly given up as a society that some flamer like this idiot in Indiana and the likes of Jake Day are entrusted to lead cities?? It's no wonder this country is in such poor shape. I recently caught JAKE DAY doing another look at me interview on pac-14 and he's definitely suffering from some type of mental illness. He delusional and desperately seeking acceptance. Also caught one of the other "handicapped" local leaders Mike Dunn doing an interview. This imbecile thinks he can actually find 25 worthwhile "student leaders" from Salisbury's academic gene pool? Good luck Mike their mental capacity is about as deep as yours

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. @3:04 I was wondering the same thing about her. I saw her one afternoon at the ACME and it was rather appalling. I've seen call girls act a lot less obvious than she was that day. Salisbury is a city of gays, crossdressing, couple swinging freak show

  25. @6:13 well there must be something to this info because I saw her at that very same ACME in a pair of the black spandex pants throwing that mess every which way she could. What kind of wife, a mayor's wife goes out flaunting and trolling like that? JAKE must not be hitting it right because she was giving some fries with that shake that day

  26. Anonymous said...
    Did you mean "mayor"?

    January 26, 2019 at 8:03 AM

    This must be your first day reading this Blog. "Mare" goes back to DingleBarry Tillmon. These clowns don't deserve the distinction of being called "Mayor."

  27. Anonymous said...
    I didn't understand Mr. Day until very recently.Having been an Army officer and now a mare I thought it was a bit unusual for him to lie and be untruthful. Then I saw him for the first time at Market Street Inn. I'm an educated man and my major was mental illnesses . It is so obvious that he has the Napolean Syndrome ( little people trying to grow through words ). He is so tiny I don't understand how he held the position of captain in the army.

    January 26, 2019 at 8:11 AM

    Napolean Syndrome with LDS.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Calling him mare instead of mayor is the dumbest and most immature way to try and make a point. Grow up a little. I am no means a fan of his, but it really makes you appear stupid.

    January 26, 2019 at 9:00 AM

    Jake Day wouldn't make a pimple on a real Mayor's a$$! Shut up Jake Day and go back to the EBT Bloggers page.

  29. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    9:00, You mean like, The "Bury"?

    January 26, 2019 at 9:11 AM

    Spot on Joe! Thank you!

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No, Joe. Not like "The Bury." Salisbury isn't the first town to to adopt a nick name. For better or for worse. Calling the mayor, the mare, as a pejorative makes no sense and the people who do, appear petty, pathetic, and juvenile.

    Misspelling mayor does not illustrate the depth of absurdity of Jake. It just shows the number of idiots in Salisbury, and that this is their childish way of pouting about their mayor.

    Sad sacks, each of you that finds snarkiness in misspelling words. That's what's wrong with the world today, as my old accounting professor would say.

    January 26, 2019 at 10:01 AM

    Is that you Jake?

  31. Anonymous said...
    Hey 8:25 , I am in the medical profession and I've done pretty well helping people who have problems , would you prefer I type better than I operate ? I still say this guy "Day" is a parasite attached to the city and the county. If you don't know what a parasite is , try looking it up .

    January 26, 2019 at 10:22 AM

    Best comment I've read all day. Jake Day is a Parasite and that is a fact! Guess what, in a year he will be making $50,000 a year a Mare af da 'Bury.

  32. Anonymous said...
    This idiot DAY is on pac-14 again boasting and bragging how well downtown Salisbury is doing. And by the looks of it he could use a booster seat. In reference to the other "mare" is definitely more appropriate than calling this idiot mayor. He no more meets the qualifications of being a mayor or army officer than Carl anderton being in your house of Representatives. Your area is in extreme defunct and failing fast. As far as the Napoleon syndrome please don't leave Day's butt buddy Stevenson out. This poor guy is obsessed with trying to bee accepted by your social groups. Both of these morons are walking cluster F. I believe the logo they were so proud of was "da 'bury".

    January 26, 2019 at 11:38 AM

    No truer words have been spoken about Day, Stevenson and Anderton.

  33. Speaking of Stevenson, what's he been doing since Day fired his girl Susan Phillips. I remember being at an event out of town watching those two suck face while drunk on their butts. Not to mention that she was married to a local police chief at the time.

    Why is Tom Stevenson still employed by the City of Salisbury when he was a Department Head messing around with a subordinate and causing a failed marriage. I guess that is Ok since that is the norm and a previous Mare that appointed Tom Stevenson to be the City Administrator was seen p!ssing in the sink at Mojo's by 3 city female employees and he got away with that.

    But who the Hell is Judge Kavanaugh anyway!

  34. Anonymous Obama Crooked Bastardo said...
    Calling Jake Day a Mare is not right. Mare - Female Horse is more usefull than him. Fake Jake is suffering from TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome, just like his cohorts. In typical Democrat fashion he keeps spending Taxpayers Money on stupid pet projects while the city is turning into Ghetto Gangster Paradise - Da Bury. All while Fake Jake is painting Rainbows on the sidewalks in front of library with his LGBQT Drag buddies. And now he's proud of some Unknown Democ-rat from Indiana about running for President, like he's got a chance?! Maybe Fake Jake should aim his focus on well-being of citizens in his town. But then, well, that's too much to ask. Welcome to Da Bury, just drop your wallet and keep moving.

    January 26, 2019 at 4:53 PM

    I've always liked this guys comments.

  35. I want to hear more about Jake Day wrecking his truck and not getting a DUI. Can someone fill us in on this and ask the Superintendent to check footage of Body Cams?

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Prior to Day becoming Mayor of Salisbury there was a group that meant once a month known as the "Mayors Roundtable" it was a good idea because the different neighborhoods could get together and find out what worked in some communities and what didn't, a sounding board so to speak. It is always good when people who care about their communities, can meet with the mayor it is a good forum for bringing up problems. I have asked repeatedly why he did not keep this group meeting and have never got an answer when asked to his face or on this blog. I guess he just doesn't care about anyone's decision but his own!

    January 26, 2019 at 2:26 PM

    Barrie Tilghman and Jim Liarton had the Mayor's Roundtable, but Jim was hardly there. I am wonder if Paul Martin started it.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:34- I dont get it. How was that a burn? I didn't come up with the name, The 'Bury. I've never even said it before! So that's not on me I'm even an advocate of this Blog, but this "mare" title for the Jake is nonsense. Unless he refers to himself in the third person all the time as, The Mayor, you folks are unintentionally poking fun of your own constituents for being incapable of pronouncing the actual word correctly! From the comments it seems though there are several others that see it the same way as I. I like this site, but some of your comments doesn't show off the better demographics of its followers. We should all try harder to be better than "them".

    January 26, 2019 at 1:28 PM

    Awwwwww.... someone is butthurt. I would love to go a day without seeing someone offended over trivial sh!t! Get a life you lazy Douche Bag Libtard!

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Jake Day is a whimsical mayor. He loves the spotlight and gladly hogs it at all events especially with the Governor. He’s a poser with no substance. His haphazard governance is pretty much visible to anyone who gets their head out of the Liberal warm fuzzy koolaid punch bowl for 2 seconds.

    The problem is Salisbury is such a clique-driven town. Always has been. Those who befriend the child mayor do it because they think it somehow gives them stature. Really? Stature when the folk festival was an utter disaster and they had pull that idiot at SU out of mothballs to do some BS study which was pure spun fairy dust.

    Such insane puppetry here on the “Shore”. You all suck up to a$$es because you think it makes you look hip or cool. It’s always been this way even back to the days of Green Hill Yacht [sic] & Country Club. A whole bunch of nobodies running around trying to be somebody.

    Here’s a clue. Some of the richest people I know don’t flaunt their money around town. No they’re too busy making more of it while power yucks pretend they’re some damn Dynasty episode.

    Jake Day is just a symptom of this problem. Or should I say the end product of it. Listen, hate to break it to you, angels, Salisbury ain’t cool. It’s never been cool and it never will be cool. Maybe if you get yourself a Harris Teeter you may begin to have some coolism but until then, you’re a trailer park town with some neighborhoods with better trailers than others. Finé

    January 27, 2019 at 8:54 AM

    I will second that comment.

  39. Anonymous said...
    This is truly saddening to think you allow this idiot to be mayor. WTF is he doing trolling some other clueless young mayor in Indiana on twitter? Is their a coalition of future young dumbass leaders of America? My favorite Jake day moment was when he showed up to do an interview with a local rap hip hop radio station trying to be down with the plight of blacks dressed in his jeans and cowboy boots. N-I-C-E

    January 27, 2019 at 7:04 AM

    Yes Jake is a follower, not a leader.

  40. Stu Stinchfield said...
    12:01 You called the mayor a liar and a thief but I noticed you did it anonymously.

    January 27, 2019 at 9:12 AM

    YAWN!! Ho Hum!

    Are you one of Jakey Boi's Butt Buddies?

  41. Anonymous said...
    @10:05 that's why Jake Day supports this mayor. Jake day and his merry band of ferries will sell the farm to be a part of something like that

    January 27, 2019 at 3:37 PM

    LMAO! I was wondering how Jim Liarton found this nobody out of nowhere to run against Debbie Campbell. The funny thing is Jake Day stole Jimbeau's thunder and Jimmie didn't even see it coming until the last minute. I bet Jimbeau regrets that cutthroat move.

  42. As long as the City of Salisbury has so called nonpartisan elections and basically no pay for the Mayor's position then there will never be any improvement to this city. If you think these races are nonpartisan then you are dumber than you think.

    If there was better pay for the position you might get someone decent to run. No one is going to leave a good job and work for $25,000 and now $50,000 per year. You see Jim Ireton tried it and it didn't work out. No only that, you need to see the City quit being a Slumlord haven. Quit making all the properties so small you can spit from your window to your neighbors' windows. Make Salisbury put in more developments with half acre yards and no townhouses. It doesn't have to be a city. Just a few thoughts.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Have we truly given up as a society that some flamer like this idiot in Indiana and the likes of Jake Day are entrusted to lead cities?? It's no wonder this country is in such poor shape. I recently caught JAKE DAY doing another look at me interview on pac-14 and he's definitely suffering from some type of mental illness. He delusional and desperately seeking acceptance. Also caught one of the other "handicapped" local leaders Mike Dunn doing an interview. This imbecile thinks he can actually find 25 worthwhile "student leaders" from Salisbury's academic gene pool? Good luck Mike their mental capacity is about as deep as yours

    January 28, 2019 at 5:25 AM

    The key phrase is "Mental Illness." Homosexuality is a mental illness and these sick people should not be running cities, counties and states. They should no be able to hold elected office. Hell, Obama was smart enough to fake a wife and family with a dog to get the Presidential look and you dummies voted for him.

  44. Anonymous said...
    8:33-I am paying attention, and I still find your comments stupid.

    January 28, 2019 at 3:38 PM

    Another butt hurt wuss is offended again.

  45. Anonymous said...
    @3:04 I was wondering the same thing about her. I saw her one afternoon at the ACME and it was rather appalling. I've seen call girls act a lot less obvious than she was that day. Salisbury is a city of gays, crossdressing, couple swinging freak show

    January 28, 2019 at 6:13 PM

    The last time I saw her there she was very rude to the employees and everyone that was in her way. She really thinks she is a very important person as Salisbury's "First Lady."

  46. CNN must have read Jake Day's retweet and made a news story out of it. They even got as excited about it as Jakie Boi did. Look how excited CNN is about this and they are trying to influence there followers. This is SICK!

    A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal. - CNN

    (CNN)South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

    Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.
    This appears unlikely (but by no means impossible) at this point; Buttigieg is not very well-known outside of Indiana and he's entering a crowded field of more established contenders. That a gay married man is running a serious campaign for president, however, is a big deal, and we shouldn't let the improbability of his candidacy stop us from acknowledging this moment.

  47. You've got to wonder why Jake Day is so fresh on this guy but most of the comments explain everything.

  48. I lost even more respect for Jake Day when he appointed John Tull as the city fire chief. Where the Hell has John Tull been hiding the previous 2 years. They created a second paid Deputy Chief position and Darin Scott ran all the calls as the Deputy Chief. Either Hoppes took his authority away or he just became lazy which is typical of paid firemen in Salisbury.

    Then John Tull appointed Jimmy Gladwell as a paid Deputy Chief. I was wondering why Jimmy Gladwell was sucking up to John Tull and Jack Heath on FB all the time for. No, I already knew. What a laughing stock that place is.

  49. @3:54 Tom Stevenson I'd a train wreck. He has no business still being employed by a city municipality. This whole bunch when out and about are classless, sloppy drunks. Keep your eyes on good old Tom he's turns into a complete ASS if you start feeding him liquor. It took his "THIRD" wife all of a year to figure this out and divorce his ass. What's the guy like 60 years old now?? Why in the hell are you out in the bars

  50. That totally amazes me, pissing in a damn sink at a downtown establishment in the 200 block of east main Street?? Not talking about crapping(peeing) where you lay your head. You could throw a rock and high your office window. Salisbury city government are nothing more than a bunch of derelict that possess no character or integrity. If they were in the private sector they'd be bankrupt and out of business

  51. Anonymous said...
    That totally amazes me, pissing in a damn sink at a downtown establishment in the 200 block of east main Street?? Not talking about crapping(peeing) where you lay your head. You could throw a rock and high your office window. Salisbury city government are nothing more than a bunch of derelict that possess no character or integrity. If they were in the private sector they'd be bankrupt and out of business

    January 29, 2019 at 5:36 PM

    There were 3 female city employees that witnessed this but no one reported Liberal Jim Ireton to the authorities or even file a lawsuit in which they would have won it.

    Isn't interesting how Democrats get away with offensive sexual assault charges but an innocent Judge Kavanaugh was raked across the coals on fake trumped up charges from 40 years ago that weren't true.

  52. Anonymous said...
    That totally amazes me, pissing in a damn sink at a downtown establishment in the 200 block of east main Street?? Not talking about crapping(peeing) where you lay your head. You could throw a rock and high your office window. Salisbury city government are nothing more than a bunch of derelict that possess no character or integrity. If they were in the private sector they'd be bankrupt and out of business

    January 29, 2019 at 5:36 PM

    Anon 5:36 PM, check this out. The leaf doesn't fall far from the tree!

    Sunday, February 09, 2014
    Police: Man Stuns Woman, Rapes Her: Mayor Jim Ireton's Father
    A 73-year-old man was arrested for using a stun gun to incapacitate a woman and then raping her, Prince William County police said.

    The woman, 52, told police that she and the man, whom she knew, got into an argument that escalated. He then used a stun gun on her and sexually assaulted her, police said.

    James Ireton (Courtesy of Prince William County Police)
    She called police Monday at 12:30 to report the incident.

    James P. Ireton of the 13500 block of Tallyrand Way in Gainesville was charged with abduction with intent to defile, forcible sodomy and malicious wounding. The stun gun and other evidence was seized from his home, police said.

    He was held without bond and has a court date April 13.


  53. Anonymous said...
    @3:54 Tom Stevenson I'd a train wreck. He has no business still being employed by a city municipality. This whole bunch when out and about are classless, sloppy drunks. Keep your eyes on good old Tom he's turns into a complete ASS if you start feeding him liquor. It took his "THIRD" wife all of a year to figure this out and divorce his ass. What's the guy like 60 years old now?? Why in the hell are you out in the bars

    January 29, 2019 at 4:27 PM

    Yep, Tom is a classless homewrecker. Barrie Tilghman hired him as the director of Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance and he was the only department head with a formal education. Then doofus Jim Ireton appointed him as the City Administrator. A position that required experience and a college degree. Then that idiot Ireton appointed a lesbian with no previous employement experience as the Assistant City Administrator. Jim's Arm Candy and his LGTBQ friend. Then along come Jake Day and demotes Tom Boi and promotes the Carpet Licker to the highest ranking employee in the city. Nothing like Liberal/Progressive favors. Do you ever wonder why Salisbury is in the shape that it is in? A clueless City Admin and a Clueless Mare. Then you have the clueless Jack Heathbar and the clueless Manure Bota. Salisbury is the most dangerous city on the Eastern Shore.


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