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Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Viewer Writes: I Only Want To Hear About The Good Things

In light of the most recent incident at Bennett High School I thought you would find this interesting. The attached video is the closing remarks from the WCBOE board meeting. Go to the 12:50 mark and listen to the board president closing comments. If his statement does not highlight/explain the problem nothing will.


Publishers Notes: I have to wonder just how many of you will actually click on this link and listen to what this jackass has to say. Typical LIBERAL thoughts and behavior. It's no wonder our education system here on the Shore flat out sucks! I know, let's build them new schools and put more lipstick on a pig! 

Fast forward to the 12:50 mark but be sure to listen to the end of that segment.


  1. This is why I left WCBOE. Wow. Just wow.

  2. Tried to view it, which title is it?

  3. That meeting should have been standing room only with BHS parents!
    What a joke of a Board
    No one with balls sitting at that table!

  4. It's been a long time since I had kids in school but what I hear from my daughter and grand children is that the thugs and belligerent punks are out of control.Teachers are afraid of their students and some of the parents are just as bad, and that a$$ hole superintendent doesn't want to deal with it? Is it any wonder our schools are no longer a safe place for learning.

  5. If anyone thinks the education system here on the shore "sucks," go enroll your kids on the other side of the bay, in Baltimore County / City. Its easy to criticize when you don't see the alternatives.

  6. Don and his merry band of minions is the problem. He's been there for far to long. can't pin this on the super, when this bozo has been president for far to long? last super didn't do anything either under donnies watch!
    SAT scores over 100 points below state average for years now! $200mil every year, and this is the best you can do?
    Most board members are either former union members or former employees of our f'd up education system! totally clueless!
    the board gonna personally foot the bill for the lawsuits the taxpayers are on the hook for? Didn't think so!
    wcboe union contract article 15! read it and weep don. shows what a failure you and the rest of the board are! I want to know last time someone from boe was fired for incompetence? should start with this clown!

    ARTICLE 15
    School Board Authority
    Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to the provisions of the Education Article of the
    Annotated Code of Maryland
    , it shall be the exclusive function of the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools to determine the mission of the county public education system and to operate the
    affairs and direct the personnel of the system in all aspects, including but not limited to the standard of service
    to be offered; the efficiency of administration; the methods, means and personnel by which such operations are to be conducted; the right to discipline; and to take whatever action and issue rules, policies, procedures and regulations necessary to carry out the mission of the county public education system for which they are responsible and which is entrusted to them.

  7. Teachers and faculty is the current era are targeted by lawsuits if they do anything.... this is why the federal government needs to get out of the education business

  8. I know someone that was in the bathroom during the recent fight there. The “officer” and all stood by and watched. Sad place for children and see parents who have to send them daily praying all will be ok.

  9. Bring your compliments to the department of justice. Thank Obama. The states hands are tied and you voted for it! So remember when it's time to vote that if you vote Democrat or if you don't vote at all you are the problem.

  10. so the BOE is bought and paid for by the unions and marxist democrats. so what do you expect!!! Easy solution here....GIVE ME MY TAX DOLLARS TO SPEND ON SCHOOLS THAT I WANT TO FUND. you known ones that actualky EDUCATE instead of indoctrinate

    1. Yup, Unions are huge in Wicomico County. Lmao

  11. Don’t worry John Palmer (creator of VOICE that gave Wicomico County the revenue cap), David Goslee and Ann Suthowski will clean up this Board and rid our schools of these thugs that troublemakers. That’s the reason these three were appointed and voted onto the Board.

    1. Dave goslee is not in good health and won't be around long enough to take position. Not joking. Or trying to be mean. It is the truth.

  12. So let me get this straight. The Superintendent doesn't want to "deal with the negative things"? So lets ignore them and they will go away? That hasn't worked so far has it?

  13. 7:29, it is the very end of the display. I watched the whole show, last couple of sentences before the gavel is thrown down.
    I'm not certain it is what we are thinking because we can't read his mind. Sounds like he is not concerned with the bad things, but he may not think that, just wants to look at the positive which is not a bad thing. I'm a hard core conservative, but sometimes have to pull myself in with all the negative crap going on. Only way to stay sane is get away from negativity when there's nothing I can do about it.

  14. 8:14 my youngest graduated last year from Parkside and I can tell you your daughter and grandchildren are 1000% correct!

  15. "Yes we have some negative things going on but I don't want to deal with that. I want to deal with all the good we having going on in our system"
    Don Fitzgerald - WCBOE - Board President

    So here are some of the good things going on:
    Most of our classroom have heat.
    Not all of our guidance counselors are perverts.
    Most of the assaults on teachers don't have to be reported to the police because they did not sustain "serious injury". (Per the code of conduct)
    Some of the fights in school do not require the students to be transported to the hospital or HFH.
    A few of our teacher still look forward to going to work.
    Not all of our teacher are dealing drugs.

    1. The fact that even one of your teachers was dealing should be something that alarms you. Just how frigging jaded can you be?

  16. I strongly feel each one of those on the board or executives team should be required to have skin in the game. What I mean, is that their children or grandchild if in the area, should have to attend one of the county public schools. Only then, would they care about the whole picture, not just the positives. Oh and no special permission to another school.

  17. 2:04
    I was discharged from PRMC last week and my wheelchair driver and a friend were discussing this
    As I was wheeled out the door
    So much for patient confidentiality at PRMC

  18. AW hell it's an easy problem to fix just throw more money at it.

  19. 11:24 they do have skin in the game. one way or another, former teachers, union officials receiving retirement benefits, relatives working for the district, yeah they got skin unfortunately it's skin on the side of covering up!

  20. I have a motion to place 3 millions dollars of Wicomico County Tax Payer money into the legal slush fund!

  21. Where's Paul Butler and this bogus man of God Thompson? They should be the ones dealing with all the ghetto trash that sends their kids to county public schools. If whites do it their being racist so make these two overpaid idiots earn their salaries doing something

  22. The reason they won't do anything about it is because of minority privilege

  23. 2:04
    They were discussing Dave Goslee’s Medical problem in the PRMC lobby
    Real classy!

  24. Thompson was and is the biggest fraud around......always looking to skim some off the top for himself.

  25. What do you people expect? You keep getting this trash on the WCBOE and then wonder why your kids are dumber than a paint can. Heard the PTA is sorely lacking. Back in the day, parents invested in their kids’ futures by getting involved in all school functions. Now days, parents are casual pedestrians and nothing more. They think government should be responsible and take no interest. Or you have the opposite where they’re so belligerent, the parents should be expelled, not the kids. This even occurs at the college level. Flunk a kid in chem 101 and the parent is calling and harassing the professor and school administration. Here’s a hint: maybe parents AND their kids should take on more accountability. Comversely, the Board of Ed should get their damn priorities straight and quit dicking around with taxpayer money - federal, state and local. It’s a two-way street and a whole lotta people better get their acts together. Finé

    1. Eshbach never took those parents calls. She ignored them. She had staff cite HIPPA or FERPA. Hide like a coward in her office like a slimeball.

  26. Yea Thompson's mentoring program is Really paying dividends, NOT!!

  27. What mentoring program?
    The one Allen Mitchell taught?

  28. The superintendent should lose her job for all the shenanigans going on at Parkside, Wicomico and Bennett. Why is she still employed? She’s done s $hit job for the community. Nobody knew that Parkside teacher was dealing or the Bennett Guidance Counselor was a pedophile? You really expect the community to believe that horse hockey. Just how dumb do they think you are?

  29. The only thing I see Butler do is recording young black students reciting some useless propaganda on PAC-14. You pay this guy 100,000 year to do what? Tgese people on Salisbury/wicomico county bleed your tax revenue dry. They pay themselves ridiculous salaries and implement welfare programs for the lazy welfare sucking sector as your roads and infrastructure crumble. If you need an example just ride down Fitzwater Street the next time you have a good rain

  30. 8:40, 8:42 same thing the boe is doing now! which is same boe that's been there for ever! time to get the foxes out of the hen house! changing supers isn't going to change much with these clowns in charge! She's just the face for their antics!

  31. dont worry when paul gets enough time in he can retire and get full benefits and pay from you taxpaying suckers! thanks WCBOE!

  32. The officer who stood by and watched the fight. Let me guess a female. Well kinda a female.

  33. Anonymous said...
    The only thing I see Butler do is recording young black students reciting some useless propaganda on PAC-14. You pay this guy 100,000 year to do what? Tgese people on Salisbury/wicomico county bleed your tax revenue dry. They pay themselves ridiculous salaries and implement welfare programs for the lazy welfare sucking sector as your roads and infrastructure crumble. If you need an example just ride down Fitzwater Street the next time you have a good rain

    January 28, 2019 at 4:31 AM

    Did it ever occur to you that Fitzwater Skreet was in da Ghetto 'Bury? Complain to Jake Day about the pot holes, it's not a county or BOE problem.

    1. Tired of the excuses between city/county!! It was a mere reference to the infrastructure problems. OK dipstick how about all the roads giving way and flooding out in the county? Do we have to WAIT until the toad washes out before we fix something??

  34. Anonymous said...
    The superintendent should lose her job for all the shenanigans going on at Parkside, Wicomico and Bennett. Why is she still employed? She’s done s $hit job for the community. Nobody knew that Parkside teacher was dealing or the Bennett Guidance Counselor was a pedophile? You really expect the community to believe that horse hockey. Just how dumb do they think you are?

    January 27, 2019 at 8:40 PM

    She will never lose her job as long as Don Fitzgerald, Gene Malone, Allan Brown and John Palmer are on the BOE. They think she's God's gift to education. Does anyone ever wonder why she was retired? She didn't come out of retirement for nothing. She was forced into retirement and now this was her opportunity to BS a new BOE and she fooled every damn one of them. Dumb a$$es.


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