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Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Jesse Jackson Whines About Clinton Winning Popular Vote

Tuesday on CNN’s “Newsroom,” civil rights activist Jesse Jackson argued it was not right that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 election, but Donald Trump won the presidency because of the Electoral College.

Partial transcript as follows:

HARLOW: You write 2019 must be about the vision of a fully equal society. What is the most important thing you think could happen this year to get towards true equality?

JACKSON: Well, the protected rights of voters. At 19, in 2016, Hillary won by 3 million votes and lost. There’s something wrong with that. In 2018, Mr. Trump lost by 9 million votes and yet he won the Senate...

More whining here


  1. Trump is our President, get over it jesse

  2. What's he gonna complain about next...basketball scoring. "Man, I'm really ticked off that the Spur's lost because the Cav's shot more 3 pointers."
    It's the rules, dude. You know it going into the game. And you can't change the rules without a 2/3 majority or 3/5 of the states.
    As Bush 43 used to say: Strategery.

  3. Hillary received at least 7 million illegal votes and still lost. Jackson needs to go away he is irrelevant. Just a whining race baiter!

  4. Thank goodness for the Electoral College! Without it, the votes of only a few places like California and New York would hold sway over the entire nation.

  5. that's why we have a electorial college jesse so every state has a voice not just California with its millons of illegals voting,, suck it up. trump is president.....

  6. Democrats have a three ring circus going.

  7. Thank goodness for the electoral college!

  8. and of those 3 million votes, 4.5 million were from illegal voters. bottom line is, she LOST. AGAIN. write all the books u want, go on all the tv shows etc, nothing will change that.

  9. What about Bush - Gore election? Did anybody cry then?

  10. Now if the Electoral College only took a stand and did away with gerrymandering and voter fraud . We might have an actual democracy.


  11. Electoral College is created by the Constitution, and only comes about as part of the Presidential election. Has no other function and it goes away after voting for the new or reelected president.

    Voter fraud is a local and state problem. Gerrymandering is done at the state level. Fraud and gerrymandering are crimes against all citizens and ought to bring stiff sentences to stamp out.

  12. It would be worse for the Democrats if Amendment XVII were repealed.



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