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Wednesday, January 02, 2019

NYT whitewashes anti-Semitism of incoming House Democrat Ilhan Omar

In a glowing profile of representative-elect Ilhan Omar, the New York Times portrays her critics as merely scared of somebody different, all the while glossing over her misrepresentation of her position on Israel and record of unapologetically peddling anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

The article depicts Omar, who is set to take over the seat previously held by Rep. Keith Ellison, as somebody defiant in the face of prejudice.

It starts off with an anecdote of her getting bullied as a 12 year-old Somali immigrant in Virginia and her father telling her, "They are doing something to you because they feel threatened in some way by your existence.”

That becomes a framing device for the story, which is an attempt to discredit her critics by lumping them all together with racists and conspiracy mongers.

The Times describes Omar as "a vehicle for the hopes of millions of Muslims and others touched by her life story, and for the fears of those who feel threatened by her."

More here


  1. Omar needs to go make tents somewhere!

  2. We are threatened by the promises and guidance of Mohammed.

  3. This is the Beginning of them infiltrating and Dems should be hung for TREASON .... DID she swear in on the BIBLE OR QURAN.????

  4. She made fun of Vice Presidents religion recently. Ironic

  5. She has been quoted as saying, "Jews need to be removed from this earth".

  6. The slime is simply practicing Taqiya - lying is part of their lifestyle!

    I do NOT consider it a religion - religions don't call for lying and the murder of non-believers!

  7. Muslims are our enemy and idiots vote them into office foolishly. Open ur eyes and just look what has happened after countries have allowed them in. Just in NY they are praying in the streets. Killing, raping, robbing, etc. They come to take over people. Wise up

  8. What we really need is not a civil war on each other, but a war on Muslims, the true enemy of America!

  9. How can Kristen Gillabrand accept her religion serving men?

  10. Even though she is now a member of the House of Representatives she still doesn't have enough clout to sit with the men at her mosque. Will always be treated as a 2nd class human.


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