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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Five killed in Florida bank shooting, suspect arrested

A gunman fatally shot five people in a Florida bank Wednesday afternoon before surrendering to police, authorities said.

Zephen Xaver, 21, allegedly opened fire inside a SunTrust branch in Sebring — about 90 miles southeast of Tampa — around 12:30 p.m., officials said in a somber evening news conference.

“Today’s been a tragic day in our community,” said Sebring police Chief Karl Hoglund. “We’ve suffered significant loss at the hands of a senseless criminal doing a senseless crime.”

It was not immediately clear whether the victims were customers, employees or included some of both.

Also unclear was what prompted Xaver to open fire inside the bank, kicking off a massive police response.



  1. The worst is yet to come. To all the cry babies you're about to find out why the federal government outfitted local law enforcement with military surplus

  2. 21 yoa...hmmm. Probably a live at home with mom and dad and no prospects. Under educated, from the looks of things probably bullied, radical ideals, and sadly I'll bet just trying to make a name for himself.

  3. Couldn't get that loan for the car.....no credit.

  4. A nobody that becomes a household name over night.

  5. 6:38 I think the real dinger will be that it happened in FL where there are relaxed gun laws and that no one took his threats or messed up ideas seriously.

    7:33 you just described all the white trash in FL

  6. Why didn't the cops cap him?


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