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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wicomico County’s Third Quarter Overdose Fatality Report

(Salisbury,MD) On Tuesday, January 15, 2019, the Maryland Department of Health released the third quarter Unintentional Drug and Alcohol Related Intoxication Death report which documented an eight percent increase in overdose deaths in the state of Maryland when compared to the same time period from the previous year (January-September 2017). Although the state saw an overall increase in 2018, Wicomico County’s overdose numbers remained consistent with the previous year, totaling 30 lives lost to an overdose during the January-September time period.

This overdose report came just five days after the Hogan-Rutherford Administration announced that the state would be awarding Wicomico County with $972,684 to repurpose the Poplar Hill Facility in Wicomico County for substance use disorder treatment and recovery on the Eastern Shore. The facility will include 23-hour observation and detoxification services, residential treatment, and recovery housing, as well as an employment service -- helping those in the recovery housing program successfully reintegrate back into the community and gain employment.

“Although Wicomico County did not see a decrease in overdose deaths during this time period, we remain hopeful that with continued prevention efforts, increased treatment options and strong recovery resources in our community, these numbers will, in time, begin to decrease and lives will be saved” states Christina Bowie-Simpson, Opioid Coordinator for Wicomico County. Naloxone training continues to be a priority for the county with the hope that lives will be saved by utilization of this opioid-overdose reversal medication. Naloxone trainings are held every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Wicomico Public Library Lower Level Meeting Rooms from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM.

If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use disorder, you can find help at BeforeItsTooLateMD.org or by calling 211 and pressing 1. You can also contact the Community Outreach Addiction Team (COAT) at 443-783-6875.


  1. so what? as taxpayers we spend billions on law enforcement and prisons. doesn't appear to do much good. if you want to put poison in your veins why is this my problem? same for smoking, over eating, drinking, etc. your life and if you choose to throw it away that's fine I shouldn't have to fund your lifestyle choices! my lifestyle choices and the resulting effects of it are not being paid for by the taxpayer!

  2. Agree with 9.59 This county is copped and coordinator out of control all at the foot of the taxpayer. People are going to do what they want and sober working taxpayers will foot the bill.


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