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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Uh Huh


  1. Bottom picture says it all!!

  2. Baltimorons!

    The perfect example of the ruinous effects of electing Democrats!

  3. Electric co. should heat schools GRATIS!
    Where's their humanity?
    Oh, that's right. They have none.

    1. LOL as long as it's free because everything is free. They don't have heat because the boiler repair company isn't going to fix the heating system for nothing do your homework the school has utilities but the systems are in disrepair.

    2. Why should the the electric co heat the schools GRATIS? Has nothing to do with humanity. The real question is why hadn't the boiler system been fixed with the $100,000 wasted on a protest rally.

  4. 5:51 - Socialist much? First the school has to have functioning heating system before electric company could even consider to heat for free. Second, if they have 100,000.00 to send kids to protests they can pay the electric bill.

    Last spring Baltimore had 10 schools with no AC - let that sink in 5:51. Is that the meaner electic company's fault? And, try thinking before you comment.

  5. "Electric co. should heat schools GRATIS!"

    What do you think that they generate electricity from the ether?

    Who do you think would pay for it if the electric company gave it away "Gratis"?

  6. Turds being turds
    Nothing more...

  7. 5:51AM are you crazy? Why should the power co. heat the schools for free, they would just pass the cost on to everyone else. How about the stupid residents electing some conservatives to run the city and the schools would have plenty of heat. Oh that's right I forgot, most of the residents are black and slaves to the Democrat party.

  8. No breaks for Baltimoron libs.

  9. Damn, that is one ugly woman!

  10. But restricting gun ownership and concealed carry is working, Maryland is so safe.


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