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Sunday, January 20, 2019

California's New Governor Proposes Taxing Drinking Water

Just when you think California cannot possibly come up with more things to tax, the new governor, Gavin Newsom, decides to tax drinking water. In Newsom’s first budget proposal on Friday, the communist included a tax on drinking water.

The new budget, titled “California for All,” declares drinking water a “fundamental right,” yet proposes to tax that “right.”

“The Budget includes short-term measures to bring immediate relief to communities without safe drinking water and also proposes an ongoing sustainable funding source to address this problem into the future.”

The San Francisco Chronicle reported that the details of the proposed tax are unknown, however, a similar proposal was abandoned by then-Governor Jerry Brown last year after failing to garner enough support in the legislature. According to Breitbart, critics have already slammed the plan. Former Republican gubernatorial candidate Travis Allen is urging fellow Republicans to “take back” the state on social media, and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association and the Association of California Water Agencies are saying that the state should tap into its budget surplus to pay for the needed clear water supplies.



  1. And just you wait until that water is undrinkable like in FLINT Michigan where even tho you don't use the water, you can't use the water and might die drinking or using it, they still make you pay a water bill and if you don't pay, they condemn your house and kick you out, and if you still owe on your house as most still do, you will still have to pay that while kicked out... Isn't that just great??? And you all love it becasue you won't do a god damn thing to stop it or fix it and then when someone needs help, you demonize them too, saying its a lie or its impossible that the govt would do this to people, yet every year, law by law they show you it to be true... The on;y stupid people are the ones who demonize others just because they were well off, in part probably due to their parents giving or leaving them money...

    I just can't wait for this crap to happen to all of you here in SBY, and it will be funny becasue all you ass hats will do is complain and do nothing about it while it gets worse around you...

    1. I felt the same when I lived in Fruitland. Everyone complained but did nothing - no matter what this issue. Yet if you take matters into your own hands you are the bad guy even though you correct the problem. Insane.

  2. What they should and shouldn't do is up for debate, the thing here is what they are and are not going to do, and well you dumb asses should know, just like in capitalism, the fees and taxes are passed to the customer... So unless you plan to fight this, and I know you won't, then just STFU and continue being the good slave you are... You, quite frankly, have no room to complain if you don't fight back not even one iota... And if you do want to blame someone, blame yourself for being fat, lazy or stupid... and for letting all of this crap happen, and will make your kids and grand kids suffer in their life, but as long as it doesn't affect you currently or that you get to keep a new iphone, it doesn't matter to you right?

    1. 11:42- Are you stupid or something? What's the matter with you?

  3. O'Malley taxed rain so why is anyone surprised that Newsom wants to tax drinking water?

    1. New Jersey has a flush tax or is that NY. Whatever - it is wrong.

  4. Straight out of the Martin O'Malley handbook. O'Malley would have taxed the air we breathe if he could have found a way.

  5. Nothing surprises me what comes from CA !

  6. Dave T: The total epitome of liberal idiocy if I've ever seen it. What about the American workers? Of course the liberal left doesn't have time to worry about real citizens, they're too busy trying to manufacture votes by manipulating immigrants. Pathetic how the liberal left just can't resist manipulating people from the poor and minorities, to immigrants and the list goes on; all while they lecture that nation with false narratives and hypocritical advice on how we should live according to their will. You would have to be a complete dope to support this kind of agenda and incompetence.

  7. Because of Owemalley I pay $90.00 a year for the unique privilege of having one or more toilets in my home. Anyone who is a homeowner needs to look at the top of their annual home property tax bill to see their toilet charge.

  8. If you try to walk, I'll tax the street;
    If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat.
    -- The Taxman by the Beatles.

  9. Get ready people
    Between California and New Yorks and New Jerseys politics people are going to start running out of their states so they'll be coming to other states
    Oh and Maryland is not far behind with same politics too


  10. Suppose he'll mandate registering Super Soakers, too.

  11. Md. is about 2 election cycles behind Ca.

  12. Is it true he's the nephew of Nancy Pelosi?


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